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Forest Encyclopedia

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*Encyclopedia Introduction*

*Forest Discussion Forum*

Last Updated: 3/8/04

* Introduction

I'm not sure "encyclopedia" is really the proper name, but it seems to have stuck. Slowly but surely, we're compiling information about the Forest. This page links to everything currently available that does not belong elsewhere... (and some that does!)

I sometimes convert information that I originally posted in the forums into webpages, improving formatting and accessibility. For these articles, you'll find a link to the original post both on the new page and here in the encyclopedia. In some posts you'll find questions and answers that may interest you. You may also reply to these posts if you have any further questions.

Note: The "articles" listed here were available the last time this page was updated. Check the Forest Discussion forum for more recent information, then bother Salli if you want more. ;)

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* Basics

The World Background Series:

Et cetera:

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* Magic


Mage Schools:

*From the World Background Series.

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* People

Starting Professions * Profession Upgrades * Playable Races * Character Profiles * NPCs

Further Information for Professions:

Further Information on Races/Peoples:

*From the World Background Series.

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* Places

World Map

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* Miscellanea


Some Forest Facts:

Random things you probably didn't know... and possibly didn't want to know!

  • The Forest is resistant to mapping. Many maps that ought to include the Forest of Shadows simply don't. It is rarely the same shape or even the same location on more than one map. Frequently, it's mislabeled. These problems do not just occur outside the borders— no outsider has ever managed to make a reliable map of the interior of the Forest of Shadows.
  • There is no such thing as a blue dragon. They simply don't exist— it's a well-known fact. (This minor detail does not seem to concern the Great Blue Dragon.)

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* Roleplaying

Roleplaying at the Forest:

Miraeda's RPG page (Okay, so it's actually only one page of her website, filled with handy sections. The Name Generators list is my personal favorite.)

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All material on this site (unless otherwise labeled) © 2001-2003 Salli Canaliya, SarahStar, and/or the folks at the Forest of Shadows. Don't steal. If you want to use anything, ask.

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