Inventory for Sale

Two of our lambs were shorn late this year and their fleeces are available below:

scroll down to view samples and descriptions

4 lbs white lamb fleece. This is a beautiful fleece with nice individual locks that have a wonderful crimp. The curly lambie tips have been removed and the fleece has been generously skirted. It is very clean and lustrous with approx. staple length of 4". $9.00/lb.

5 lbs black lamb fleece. Very nice lustrous, soft, clean locks with an excellent crimp. Not pure black -- a few grey fibers throughout. Staple length approx. 3". Curly lambie tips have been removed. $8.00/lb

Send self-addressed envelope for a sample of any of our fleeces to 205 Fox Hollow Farm Rd., Bentonville, VA. 22610.