Consecration of Ritual Tools

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The dedication of new ritual tools is done with ritual. The purpose is to purify them and dedicate them for magical use only. Once they have been consecrated you should not allow anyone else to handle them for at least the first six months to allow time for your energies to infuse them. It is best never to allow anyone else to handle your ritual tools, but if you have a partner you may share them between you and they will become attuned to the two of you. On no account are they to be used for mundane purposes after they have been consecrated unless they are first deconsecrated and removed from ritual use. The ritual for this follows the consecration ritual. Before they are consecrated the tools are of no magical use, and after they are deconsecrated they are again of no ritual value. The consecration makes them other than what they appear to be, a knife, a cup, etc.

In the following ritual the tools are purified with the four elements and then dedicated to the Lady and the Lord. You may use the particular deities which you venerate, or omit the mention of the deities in the dedication altogether if you like in favor of a reference to the powers of the universe. Phrase this in your own words, as you see the higher power. You may dedicate your tools to love, or other grand concepts if you prefer. The first step in the consecration is the casting of the circle. This is covered in the section on Casting the Circle. Consult it for directions on how to cast the circle if you are unsure. You will need the usual materials for the circle, a bowl of salt, a bowl of water, altar candles, watchtower candles, a red candle, incense and a censer.

Consecration of the Chalice, Athame or Other Ritual Tool

"Before these assembled spirits I bring (name type of tool) to be dedicated to the service of the Lady and Lord."

(Pass tool three times through smoke of the incense.) "By the power of air, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of thought and to harmlessness that all intentions for which thou art used may harm none and be for the good of all. Spirits of the east, in sweet air born. In swirling winds polish these tools, and sweep from them all phantasm and illusion."

(Pass tool three times through or over the flame of the fire candle.)"By the power of fire, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of desire, and to harmlessness that all goals which thou do help achieve may harm none and be for the good of all. Spirits of the south, in fire born. In shining flames purify these tools, and burn from them all impurities."

(Take a few drops of water and sprinkle or dab on instrument.) "By the power of water, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of emotion, and to harmlessness that all that thou shalt be used in a spirit of harmony, harming none and for the good of all. Spirits of the west, in water born. In cool waters cleanse these tools, and wash from them all hurt and harm."

(Touch instrument to the pentacle or salt) "By the power of earth, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to steadfastness and purity of purpose, that my will be achieved without wavering, with harm to none and for the good of all. Spirits of the north, in cool earth born. In mother earth ground these tools, and take from them all spirits dark."

If this is a chalice, present it first to the Lady, then to the Lord, if athame, reverse the order. All other instruments use personal preference, but it is courtesy to present them to Her first.

Presentation for the Chalice

"Lady, Keeper of the Cauldron of Wisdom, bless this chalice. Let it be as thy cauldron, a vessel of productivity that it may be worthy to dispense thy bounty. Let it be used in thy service and in the service of humanity. Let it be so bound that no harm may come of it to any being, but let it rather be an instrument of good-will and understanding; of loving harmony. To thy sacred self I dedicate this vessel, (name of vessel), that it and I may long be of service to thee."

"Lord, companion to the Lady, Guardian of the wild things, bless this chalice and keep watch over it. Guard the works which come forth from it, that they ever be in the service of thee and thy Lady, that they be of service to humankind, and that they abide by the laws of harmony. To thee I vow I shall use it for her sacred purposes, and for no other. So mote it be."

Presentateion for the Athame

"Lord, companion to the Lady, bless this athame. Let it be as the spring rains which fall upon the earth to cause Her to bring forth Her bounty. Let it quicken my hopes and dreams, yet keep them from causing harm. Let it guide them in the harmony of the seasons, bringing forth only good for all. Lord, bless this athame, (name of athame), that it be used ever In the worship and honor of the Gods."

"Lady, Keeper of the Cauldron of Wisdom, bless this athame that it shall bring forth joy, and shall cause no pain nor disharmony to any. I dedicate this athame (name of athame), symbol of the Lord of the Forest, to Thy service. May it ever bring thee joy and pride. So mote it be."

This ritual, with suitable changes, may be used to dedicate other tools as well as these. Simply change the name of the tool and any specific actions which will not apply to the tool in question.

Deconsecration of Ritual Tools

The intent of this ritual is to purge the tool of it's built up energies and return it to mundane use. It may be used when passing on a tool to another to remove your personal stamp from the tool to allow them to replace yours with their own. The means used to do this will depend upon the tool and what it is constructed of. As a prelude to deconsecration the tool may be purified of energies stored within it by use of one of the four elements. It may be buried in salt or earth for two days, left in runing water for two days, left in standing water for a week, or exposed to the sun/moon/elements for a week. This serves to negate the energies. Follow this with the simple ritual below.

Cast a circle. Pass the tool through the smoke of the incense and state: "I purify you with the element of air, and return you to your original state. No longer an implement of magic, but only a (name of item)." Pass the tool through the flame of a candle and state: "I purify you with the element of fire, and return you to your original state. No longer an implement of magic, but only a (name of item)." Dip the tool into a bowl of consecrated water and state: "I purify you with the element of water, and return you to your original state. No longer an implement of magic, but only a (name of item)." Touch the tool to the pentacle or the salt and state: "I purify you with the element of earth, and return you to your original state. No longer an implement of magic, but only a (name of item)."

Lay the tool on the altar and hold your hand over it. Check to see if you feel any energies remaining in the tool. If not, state: "I hereby cleanse you of all esoteric meaning and return you to the mundane use for which you were intended. As I will, so mote it be." If there is remaining energy, repeat the ritual and check again. In stubborn cases the preliminary cleansing with the elements may need to be repeated, and the ritual conducted again. This ritual may be used on ritual jewelery or other items you wish to pass on to another as well as tools.