Pagan Resources

[Pagan Resources]

[Wiccan Rede]
[Creating Sacred Space]
[Magical Skills]
[Building an Altar]
[Book of Shadows]
[Creating Ritual Tools]
[Consecrating Tools]
[Magical Names]
[Casting the Circle]
[The Witches Garden]

[Timing of Magic]
[Seasons of the Year]
[Phases of the Moon]
[Symbols and Alphabets]
[Elemental ]
[Planetary ]

[Ritual Intent]
[Designing Rituals]
[Candle Magic]
[Crystal Magic]
[Herbal Magic - General ]
[Herbal Magic - Incenses]
[Herbal Magic - Oils]
[Herbal Magic - Powders]
[Herbal Magic - Infusions]
[Herbal Magic - Sachets]
[Other Herbal Creations]
[A Collection of Spells]

Links to a number of interesting sites, recommended books, miscellaneous resources. The links are broken into catagories. The descriptions and any comments under the link are my own, not those of the owner of the site. If you would like to add your link here, e-mail me at Lady Galadriel. Include your sites address, a brief description of the content and a graphic if you would like me to use one. If you would like to link to Fullmoon_Magic, pick up a banner Here

[Wiccan and Pagan Organizations][Wiccan/Pagan Mailing Lists][Pagan Unity Campaigns][Pagan Online Ezines][Pagan Supplies][Wiccan and Pagan Resources and Information][Specific Wiccan Traditions][Basic Wicca and Pagan Sites][Divination][Pagan and Wiccan Search Engines and Directories][Useful Things][Wiccan/Pagan Publishers][Books I Recommend]


Wiccan and Pagan Organizations

The Charioteers' Iseum of the Ankh and Hammer
A site devoted to Wiccans with disabililties run by a really nice lady. If you are a Wiccan with physical issues this is the place, great resource for all, disability or not

Webrite, Weavers of the Web
Project to support the rights of witches to religious freedom

Covenant of the Goddess
The Covenant of the Goddess a U.S. national Wiccan organization for covens and individuals who worship the Goddess

Circle Sanctuary education, news, instruction and fellowship

Fellowship of the Earth
Fellowship of the Earth, a local California group of Pagans with an online membership

Fellowship of Isis
The Fellowship of Isis, an international organization of education and fellowship for those who worship the Goddess in any of her forms

Pagan Federation
The Pagan Federation, an international and European organization for pagans

Alternative Religion Education Network, a national organization fighting for the rights of pagans and wiccans in the US

The Pagan Alliance
The Pagan Alliance, an organization for pagans in Australia and New Zealand

Stella Australis
Stella Australis, information and resources for Australian Pagans. They have a great section of pagan themed coloring pages for kids

Alliance of Solitary Practitioners an international group of Solitary Witches

Witches League for Public Awareness to correct the misapprehensions of the public regarding witchcraft

The Open Hearth Foundation
A Non-Profit Organization seeking to develop pagan community centers for gatherings of pagans from all paths.

Witches Against Religious Discrimination
Organization advocating for the religious rights of witches and pagans

Wiccan/Pagan Mail Lists

Witchology Mailing List
A Website and mailing list for Witches and Wiccans, scads of information and friendly witches!

Pagan Unity Campaigns

Witches Voice Unity Project to unite pagans of all traditions

Pagan Unity Project to bring together Pagans from many paths

Unity project of the Pagan Culture Center

Pagan Online Ezines

The Witches Voice links, articles, information, online publication, search

Pagan Culture Center
Online ezine, information, links, kids corner, community

Old Ways Online E-Zine
On line pagan ezine. Has a great education section with information on the craft

On line pagan ezine. Beautiful site, interesting articles and art

Pagan Supplies

Panpipes Pagan Marketplace
On line Occult supply store for those who don't have access to one where they live. A great place, if you're ever in L.A. stop by there

Wiccan and Pagan Resources and Information

Full Moon Magic Deities
This sites sister site. Information on the Goddesses and Gods of the religions of the world past and present

Witch's Brew: For All of Mother's Children...
Networking, news, contacts and links. They also have a dictionary that's useful located at

The History of the Witch Trials
Actual, factual information on the Burning Times of yore that may change what you think you know
Visit the Witching Hours
A facinating site with scads of information about the witch trials including original documentation

News, networking and education

The Wiccan Rede Project to study and write about Wiccan ethics and the Wiccan Rede

Wiccan Watch The Pagan Information Source
Wiccan Watch, information about religious freedom, civil rights issues and news from the ACLU about threats to our freedoms

Information, education, pagan parenting

Specific Wiccan Traditions

Wicca Nah Erin
Janet and the late Stewart Farrars Home Page. Contains some of the material in "The Witches Bible", their classic book, on the B.O.S. pages

Celtic history, good section on wiccan traditions, general Wiccan and Pagan information

Epona's Celtic Cauldron
Beautiful site with information on Celtic history, culture and language

Fabrisia's Boschetto
Strega tradition of Italian witchcraft, history, deities, rituals

One sort of eclectic Wicca available as an online book

Basic Wicca and Pagan Sites

Silver Moon's Realm
This is a very well rounded Wicca site with a wide variety of information

Good basic information on Wicca and a number of related subjects

Information about Wicca, instruction for beginners

Good basic information on Wicca, what it is, how to start


I have not personally had readings by any of the individuals or services in this section so I can't make any comments about their accuracy or ability. They are listed here for your information and entertainment.


Facade Psychic Readings
Free readings using a variety of methods


Paid personal readings

All About Astrology
Variety of information and readings


Vedic Astrology by Robert Dockstader
Vedic (Hindu) Astrology site, very interesting information about Vedic astrology. Does readings


Shelly Wu Chinese Astrology
Chinese astrologers site. She does readings and there is information on Chinese astrology


Cheiromancy, or the Science of Palmistry
Cheiromancy, or the Science of Palmistry, a very serious site with information about palmistry. Has recommended reading list

Palmistry and Cheiromancy
A collection of links to information, readings and resources on palmistry


Haven't found one I'd want to list yet. I'm still looking. If you know of one, email me!


High Priestess Tarot
Pretty site with readings and information

Moon Cat Tarot
Paid and free readings and tarot information

Free Tarot Readings from Llewellyn
Free online tarot readings from Llewellyn, your choice of deck and spread


Beautiful site with alot of information on casting runes

I Ching

I Ching Links
A site which has a list of I Ching links for all sorts of informtion, readings and history

Ouija Boards

Ouija Boards
How to use ouija boards plus how to make your own

Pagan and Wiccan Search Engines and Directories

Search Engines

Avatar Search

Ariadnespider Search

Sorcery Search

Witches Voice Search

WitchCrawler.Com Where Witches Search The Web!

Omphalos: The Center of the Pagan Web

Pagan Portal Search Engine, a meeting place for pagans!

Freaky Planet Search


The Wiccan Watch

Witch/Pagan Resources

Useful Things

Download the best shareware and freeware
A great simple to use program for transforming text to gif images

the Dingbat pages
A great source for some witchy and esoteric dingbats among others

Books on Wicca/Paganism

Phoenix Publishing

Samuel Weiser Books


Books I Recommend


Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham, published by Llewellyn. Thorough coverage of over 400 herbs, their magical uses, correspondences, and how to use herbs in magic.

The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham, published by Llewellyn. Instruction on preparing herbal blends for incense, using essential oils, and making infusions for magical use.

Natural Magic: Potions and Powers from the Magical Garden by John Michael Greer, published by Llewellyn. A book on herbs, crystals and other natural magical aids and how to use them.

Deities of Various Pantheons

The Witches' Goddess by Janet and Stewart Farrar, published by Llewellyn. Encyclopedic list of Goddesses of the world, and information in detail on a number of often used Goddesses.

Practical Celtic Magic by Murray Hope, published by Aquarian. The Celtic Gods and Goddesses, magical practice, dress, rituals, Irish, Welch and Scottish variants.

Practical Egyptian Magic by Murray Hope, published by Aquarian. A manual of Egyptian magical practices, the Egyptian pantheon of Gods and Goddesses and rituals.

Practical Greek Magic by Murray Hope, published by Aquarian. The attributes and powers of the Gods and Goddesses of the Greek pantheon, magical ritual, mythology.

Crystal Magic

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, published by Llewellyn. A good book on crystals, their properties, and how to use them in magic.

The Crystal Handbook by Kevin Sullivan, published by Signet. A very complete guidebook to crystals and their properties for magic and healing.

Stone Power by Dorothee L. Mella, published by Warner. A good book on utilizing crystals for healing and self improvement with complete instructions on layouts.

Wiccan Traditions and General

Witchcraft: A tradition Renewed by Doreen Valiente and Evan Jones, published by Phoenix. A reasonably basic explaination of Ms. Valiente's tradition of witchcraft.

The Wicca Handbookby Eileen Holland, published by Weiser. A very nice set of correspondences, very complete, as well as much basic information on Wicca.

The Witches Qabalaby Ellen Cannon Reed, pubished by Weiser. A classic on the Qaaballa, the tree of life, from a pagan perspective.

A Witches Bible Compleat by Janet and Stewart Farrar, published by Magickal Childe. THE basic book of Wicca that we all cut our teeth on.

Casting the Circle: A Woman's Book of Ritual by Diane Stein, published by The Crossing Press. An explaination of the operation of Dianic Witchcraft, a women only offshoot of Wicca.

Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland, published by Llewellyn. A workbook style course on witchcraft for Mr. Buckland's tradition of Wicca.

Wicca: A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham, published by Llewellyn. Information on all aspects of Wicca for those new to the Craft.

Candle Magic

Practical Candle Burning: Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose by Raymond Buckland, published by Llewellyn. Buckland's classic book on candle magic.

Advanced Candle Magick: More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose by Raymond Buckland, published by Llewellyn. A follow-up to the previous book with expanded material on candles and magic and all new spells.

The Magick of Candle Burning by Gerina Dunwich, published by Citadel Press. Candle rituals from a variety of traditions, information on herbs, colors, deities, crystals.