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  Gabriel Cade Online: Survivor Marquesas

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Survivor: Marquesas
The game is located in Marquesas island chain of French Polynesia, on an island called Nuku Hiva, 16 Americans are forced to band together and carve out a new existence. In this inhospitable land, with its malaria-bearing insects and marauding predators, the Survivors must form a cooperative society, building shelter, gathering and catching food, and participating in Challenges for rewards. Winners of these Challenges will be rewarded with things that make life in Africa more bearable; those who fail must do without. They will then form the infamous Tribal Council, where you will openly debate the group dynamics of the previous days. The council ends with a secret ballot in which each of you votes one of your fellow tribemates out. The person with the most votes against him/her must leave immediately and is eliminated from the contest.Weeks of surviving the elements and outlasting the other tribemates, but it all comes down to one - The Ultimate Survivor, winner of 1 million dollars!
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Since 02.28.02

Episode 3: No Pain, No Gain - 03.13.02
  • Rotu Tribe - This episode's title is referring to Rotu having multiple injuries. it all began when a rain soaked them all while sleeping. Gabriel speaks about how the tribe gain their strength from their strong spirits and cheers. He also said the he now likes Kathy. Then we are introduced to the injury counct: 1. John got stung by a sea urchin and had himself urinated by Kathy, 2. Robert sliced his big toe but John, as a registered nurse, did everything to cure him, 3. John (again) was bitten on the finger. It seems like Rotu is on bad luck well atleast thats what we thought. Jeff Probst visit them to give them the supplies they needed for the RC: they need to build a raft. Gabriel played a BIG role in making and planning the raft with the help of Robert.
  • Maraamu Tribe - Tension is in the air when the Maraamus arrived at camp from the previous tribal council. Arguments. More arguments. Sigh, its always like this at camp Maraamu. I need not go into details about what happened in maraamu for I'm not even paying attention to them. Its always the same: Hunter and Gina, Rob and Sarah, Vee and Sean. One complains about this, the otehr one complains about that.. always the same stuff. Oh and the NoNos!
  • Reward Challenge - The tribes met host Jeff Probst at the Reward Challenge; he explained the rules of the Raft Rescue. Using their newly constructed rafts, they had to race each other along a criss-crossed water course, unhooking and picking up moored supply boxes along the way. The first tribe to successfully complete the course and touch the floating dock with the raft would win. The reward - - either a week's ration of rice, or blankets, pillows and lanterns for comfort. The race began as both tribes paddled toward their first floating supply box. They were tied for much of the race until Hunter dived deep into the ocean to unhook one of the tethered boxes. He brought it to the raft, and gave Maraamu a small lead. As the Rotu raft cut through the water with more ease, they battled back to regain the lead and never looked back, winning the Challenge, and choosing the creature comforts -- pillows, blankets and lanterns -- as their reward.
  • Immunity Challenge - Reconvening with host Jeff Probst, the two tribes listened carefully as he explained the rules of the next Challenge. Five people from each tribe would participate in this challenge -- four people on the ropes, and one Caller. Using a system of pulleys, the tribe members would heed their caller's instructions and either raise or lower an oversized wooden box that contained a maze. Inside that box would be placed a coconut which was to be maneuvered through the giant maze and into a hole in the center. Once the coconut was in the hole, the tribe members would rotate positions. The first tribe to successfully negotiate the maze three times would win. Maraamu began with an early lead, as Vecepia Towery, the 36-year-old office manager from Portland, Oregon, barked out orders to her tribe. Rotu wasn't far behind, but in the last second the confident tribe took back the lead and once again were victorious, winning their fifth straight challenge and propelling the defeated Maraamu tribe back to Tribal Council.
  • Pre-Tribal Council - They made it look like Sean is going. Another wicked misleading by MB.
  • Tribal Council - Hunter was surprisingly voted out! This is interesting... what are these guys up to? We'll see if this strategy works out or if this is the beginning of the Maraamu pagonging. Oh, and hold on there Gina!
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