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Important NPCs

King Albrecht
Ah R5 Homid SF
(excerpt {and slightly edited} from the Silver Fang Tribe Book)
The great-grandson of King Jacob Morningkill, King Albrecht is quite unlike most Gaian Kings that have come before him. After his grandfather exiled him, Albrecht wandered dispossessed among many of the common tribes for a number of years. During that time, he mixed with members of the Black Furies, Stargazers, Wendigo, and even the Bone Gnawers. Years later, in his quest for the Silver Crown, he battled Black Spiral Dancers and traveled to the farthest reaches of the Umbra. He was skinned alive by the Spirals, but the power of the Silver Crown saved his life and seemingly cured him of his Harano.
While few Silver Fangs dispute his right to rule, some do question his methods of doing just that. Ignoring his critics, Albrecht has sought to unite the disparate tribes of his protectorate. Many of his detractors attribute his commoner sympathies and decry the "cult of personality" that surrounds the newly ascended king. Others however, attribute his partial success at rallying other tribes to his ability to evoke a long-lost feeling for the Silver Fangs: trust.
Since his coronation, Albrecht has used his newfound power to launch a number of successful attacks against the Wyrm. The Wyrm-spawn in the region surrounding his protectorate are once again on the defensive....

Ambrus Greggoran
Ah R5 Homid SL
Ambrus Greggoran was an auspicous member of his tribe even at birth. Born under the sign of a lunar eclipse, many groups of Garou watched his rise in the Garou Nation with marked interest. Ambrus was raised in Jerusalem by his aunt and uncle until the time of his First Change, all the while being taught the lores of his kind by a caring Kinfolk adopted family. His uncle, while not loyal to the Garou Nation, thought it wise not to hide any information from the young Garou and to allow Ambrus to decide for himself what was right and what might be wrong...
Ambrus' Rite of Passage is a well known part of Garou Lore, though some call it legend more than fact. What is known is that his adopted family oversaw the Rite itself in the beginning: that Ambrus must make the journey to Prague on his own, without traversing the Umbra or using any modern means of transportation. It is here the legend begins. Some say that his aunt, Kinfolk to the Uktena, used some sway with her family-tribe to call dark agents against Ambrus, to heighten the dangers he would face. The Uktena lent their aid, and sent forth all manners of spiritual hazards to the young Garou. These spirits gained the interest of Kryzzan Kllyghr, an infamous Black Spiral Dancer cannibal who claimed power by eated the flesh of Gaian Garou.
Before Ambrus could safely reach his tribal kin in Prague, it is said that Kryzzan led a pack of ten Dancers to amush the cub. The tales vary at this point - some say Ambrus lost his heart (literally) during the combat, others say his throat was torn out, while most say his spine was severed by Klkk'Ngan, Kryzzan's own Wyrm Klaive. No one knows what happened other tha the Spirals were all killed and Ambrus made it to Prague without the intervention of anyone.
It is widely known that his own Klaive, Shadowbolt, was indeed the captured and cleansed Klaive formerly of Kryzzan. He spent his entire time as Cliath trying to cleanse the corruption that held a powerful Gaian relic captive. Theurges noted a powerful Chiminage enacted as a result of this commitment - none other than a Greggoran would ever be allowed to weild Shadowbolt. These days, this legacy has been passed on to Ambrus' only child, Janus.
Recently, Ambrus' actions have caused no small concern amongst even his tribe. He has spoken out against several septs and made many enemies, all the while claiming his pupil Konietzko, as the true intended Gaian King. This has endered him no love to the Silver Fangs when the grandson of Morningkill reclaimed the Silver Crown for his own family.
Ambrus' whereabouts are currently unknown beyond that he is somewhere "north". Some speculation casts him in Canada gathering influence there, and others hold that he might be in Prague trying to hold onto whatever support he has there. The only thing that does seem true is that this Elder's days seem to be numbered.... This Elder Recently Fell in an Attempt to Take over the Sept of the Endless Knot.

Janus Greggoran
Ga R4 Homid SL

Nathon Strongarm
Ph R4 Metis BG

Gavin Second-Note
Ga R3 Homid GoF

Ga R5 Metis SG
Not much is known of Soulhowler's early years, except for his deeds that his renown speaks for. Soulhowler was raised in the Stargazer sept known as the Temple of Forgotten Faith. His Rite of Passage was to defeat a sept of Black Spirals that were encroaching on Bone Gnawer territory in a nearby city, and to do so without resorting to violence. To this day some 80 years later, no one knows how he was able to do this...
Soulhowler's deformity has forced him to live only within Garou society - a fact of which he is not bitter towards one bit. He has served (at various times and for various septs) as Guardian, Lorekeeper, Warder, Master of the Rite, Master of the Challenge, Keeper of the Lands, Gatekeeper, Sept Beta, and Sept Alpha. His presense alone is enough to invoke an invitation for him to perform a Moot Rite, and his willingness to do so has earned him respect among all the 13 Tribes, to include the sometimes troublesome Red Talons....
Soulhowler was indeed a Legendary figure until some time not long ago - when he used his own position and power to ensure that his student, a Shadow Lord by the name of Raven Darkstar Carmichael, became Sept Alpha of what was known as the Sept of the Silver Moon. His own tribe saw this action as reason to step down as an Elder, thus placing him as Athro to the eyes of the Garou Nation. Since that time, he has quietly assisted the Sept of the Silver Moon - now known as the Sept of Sojourn Might - by performing moot rites and teaching his near-limitless skills to those that were willing to learn. There are times this Stargazer up and leaves for weeks at a time, and most have no idea where he goes. But one thing stay constant - he always returns to the New Philly area....

Omen Jamet Best
unknown, rumored to be a Bastet

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