
New Philidelphia

The Sept of the Endless Knot

Caerns and Septs

Elders of the Garou Nation

Player Characters

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Other Games

The Deeper Dark

Werewolf: Dark Ages

Through the Umbra Darkly...

Year of the Phoenix

Werewolf: the Forsaken

Darker Productions Oblivion

Darker Productions Presents

City of the FutureProtect the Earth
New Philidelphia is a booming city, growing by leaps and bounds despite numerous setbacks.At the center of national news, New Philly always has something that someone around the world might be interested to hear about. Whether it is the New Philly Ravens in the World Series, or their sister team the Archers winning sympathy for always being the underdog... Whether it is some new and exciting archetectural design or simply a stunning art show coming to town... Whether it is something in politics, education, entertainment, it matters not - New Philly is THE place to be....

The Trans-Atlantic Rail -
At the turn of the 21st century, transportation industrialist George Newman Crowel had a vision. Always having been a enthusist of the American Railroad system and its history, Crowel began formulating a way to update his childhood fantasy of "jumping on a train that could take me miles away from everything I knew".
After two years of hard work, the Trans-Atlantic Electric Rail was approved for construction. It would be the first raised rail train system to travel the eastern seaboard. On July 19, 2002, the maiden voyage of the Silver Bullet traveled from New Philly to Savannah, then north to Norfolk and completed its trip in New York City within 32 hours.
The Silver Bullet is now only one of five train systems that make up the Trans-Atlantic. Within 6 months the Fury, the Titan, the Falling Star, and the Vagabond were comissioned and in service, making the railway a vaible means of east coast transportation. Each system travels safely at 90 mph and Crowel has gone on record claiming that the next system, the Fireline, will exceed that by one-hundred fold. "The Fireline is meant to be an express shipping system, not intended for passenger use," Crowel told the New Philidelphia Advertiser. "(The Fireline) will be used by the USPS and other privately owned shipping services to expediate their own shipping. I expect the Fireline will come close to 200 mph travelling, but we'll just have to see now won't we?"
Currently, the rasied rail system can transport 120 per train to any of 19 cities that currently employ the system. It boasts a full service resturant at each station, free drinks and snacks while the train is in transit, and a whisper-quiet and jostle-free trip which would put even the crankiest newborn in a sound and peaceful sleep. Tickets average anywhere from $20-60 depending on distance, and the company has a "business friendly policy" that allows travelers to cash in the difference of their ticket if for whatever reason they need to get off before their schedualed stop...
[Except from the article 'Crowel's Space-Age Rail', written by NP Advertiser staff columnist Nancy Griffin on January 3rd, 2003]

E-Commerce (description coming soon)
Express Industries (description coming soon)
Darker Productions (description coming soon)
Garou (description coming soon)
Kinfolk (description coming soon)

Kindred - the Garou of the area know that vampires exist. In fact, they have had a few dealings with them. Currently, there is a treaty between the Camarilla Prince known as Nelson and the Sept of the Shredded Tent - respect the territories of others - and this treaty is more or less honored. The local area Garou have been warned of an influx of Sabbat (or, as it was explained to them as "evil vampires") and that "all bets are off" where they are concerned. What is to come is anyone's guess.

Mages (description coming soon)
Changelings (description coming soon)
Wraiths - All information for Wraiths and the Oblivion LARP, please step through the nihils located here.
Mummies (description coming soon)

Web site designed and programmed by: Eric E. Johnson (DarkPro ST) and Gary Hicks (Psi Malkavian).
All Darker Productions logos and backgrounds designed by Hashbrown (David Williams)

© White Wolf Publishing - all concepts, charcaters, and rules variations are based off White Wolf material. We make no claim to be the creators of any White Wolf product. All rights reserved and whatnot.