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Last Resort 2k1
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Pitch Black
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Hardkore Hell 2k1
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May Mayhem
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March Mayhem
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Deep Freeze
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Last Resort Results
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One More Road to Cross
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Hardkore Hell 2k
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BCW Profiles
- Almost Amish(Left for Dead)
- Arabian Gangster(Deceased)
- Bastard
- Blonde Ambition
- B.Atch
- Down
- Hardkore Eaton
- Harry Sak
- Human Suplex Machine
- Joint
- Kash Stax(Released)
- Kumeener
- Ref Ungergo
- Wang


Hailing From Downtown Cedar Cliff
Music Ja Rule "Down 4 U"
Height 5'4"
Heros System of a Down
Finishing Maneuver Downtime
Belts Held N/A

  • Down debuted at One More Road to Cross 2k1 with a match against upstart Harry Sak. Down did not capture the win but hopes for a rematch when BCW returns.

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