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Last Resort 2k1
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Pitch Black
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Hardkore Hell 2k1
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May Mayhem
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March Mayhem
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Deep Freeze
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November Mayhem
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Last Resort Results
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One More Road to Cross
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Hardkore Hell 2k
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- Kash Stax(Released)
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Last Resort Pictures
October 8, 2000
Each Page has 7-9 Pictures

Pictures - Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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Buy "You Don't Like Me? Blow Me" Buy
B.Atch's second book, "You Don't Like Me? Blow Me" is now in stores and has yet to be banned like "Spick Like Me".

Buy "Spick Like Me" Buy
Border's Books, Waldenbooks, & Barnes & Noble ditched the book but still is selling "Spick Like Me."

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