Our Mission
GCVOA is a U.S. non-profit corporation located in Cleveland, Ohio, organized to facilitate humanitarian assistance to non-governmental organizations and citizens living in the cities of Volgograd and Volzhsky and the Volgograd Region of Russia, and to promote democratic values, economic growth, training, education among their citizens and between professional, cultural, humanitarian, education, business and government leaders of the two regions.

Accomplishments for Fiscal Year Ending 12/31/1999

  • Sponsored and financed a team of two doctors and a nurse to Volgograd and Volzhsky hospitals to train and educate medical personnel.
  • Continued the Free Speech Forum of monthly public meetings by speakers involved in the political and economic issues in Russia, all of which were heavily covered by local and national media (TV and radio). 

Objectives for Fiscal Year Beginning 01/01/2000

  • Send a team of doctors and nurses to Volgograd and Volzhsky hospitals to educate and train Russian medical personnel in neonatal, maternity and prenatal departments.
  • Host a team of medical professionals from Volgograd/Volzhsky hospital to visit Cleveland Metro General Hospital for education and training. 
  • To provide the Free Speech Forum with expanded facilities to accommodate larger audiences in Volgograd, and to initiate a program to establish a forum in another city in the Central Russia Region.

Self Assessment 
The Free Speech Forum is evaluated through monthly reports by the Director that analyze the speaker, material and media reactions, and attendance records. Review of Russian news articles. GCVOA members make periodic visits to the region to verify.
The medical projects are evaluated from reports prepared by the participating medical professionals and meetings with them by GCVOA members.


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2002 Greater Cleveland - Volgograd Oblast Alliance