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Where to start with my friends??? I don't want to mess this up or offend anyone because my friends mean the world to me. And I'd hate to do like a profile of every single one of them. Plus I don't think they'd appreciate it either. I'm sure Zach doesn't want everyone to know about his fetish with "fingerpuppets." Or the duct tape bondage thing which I now have a picture of and will put up on this site. hehehe. Anyhoo... I guess this page will just be my ramblings about my friends and various links to pictures. And I should warn you that by clicking on any link on this page will open up a new window, but if you just leave that window open, it should be all that you need. If multiple windows open, tell me and I'll fix it. Thanx.

So where shall I start??? I guess I'll start with my bestest bud in the whole entire world-- my best friend Julia. Why is she my best bud? Good question. No one, not even us, know exactly. We are pretty different. We don't even hang out with each other that often. We've known each other since 6th grade and still argue about how we met. I know I'm right on this one. Although she has never been wrong about anything... Oh well. Yes, it's true. She has never been wrong about anything. I doubted her once and that was the biggest mistake of my life. I should have listened to her. She is an amazing person. I love her with all my heart. She's always been there for me. We've shared laughs and tears. She's the only person on the face of the earth that I can open up to. Why you might ask? I don't know. I just can. I trust her and I feel so comfortable talking to her. I trust my other friends too and can talk to them too, but... I guess I've just known her longer. I remember back in middle school people wondered if I liked her or if we were "going out" and all the jazz. I just smiled politely. I could never picture us like that. It's so different the relationship we have... I don't know what else to say... I don't know what I'd do without her...

Well... I hope that my other friends don't feel offended that I don't write that much about them. But Julia is really special. My other friends are special too. Like Mike. He's like the closest guy friend that I chicago art lionhave--him and Nate and sure, what the hell, Zach. We're all pretty good buds. We do almost everything together. That is, when we can pull Nate away from his girlfriend, Katie. Yeah, we do a lot of things together. Nate and I share a birthday in fact. We all started hanging out my sophomore year. We all did Science Olympiad together. Hey! Don't laugh! Science Olympiad was tons of fun. Anyhoo... yeah, we did that. This past summer we took a guys road trip to Chicago. That was fun. We did a little male bonding. Hopefully we'll do it again next summer. I love spending time with them. But for some reason, we end up talking about computers or about Nate's crazy get-rich-quick schemes. :-) No, Nate's not crazy-- just a little different. He's an incredibly intelligent guy. And he always makes me laugh. If you ever meet him, ask him to do his happy dance for you. ;-) Mike, on the other hand, is dumb as brick and just as dull. Just kidding!!! He's a good guy. He knows a lot of people and does a lot of things. He's moving on up on the ladder at ETC (Electronic Theatre Controls-- a world-renowned lighting company based in Middleton, WI). I do more things with him than with anybody else. We've been to plays, movies, concerts... everything together. He's a fun guy. Now Zach... He used to "go out" with my sister who is three years older than me and two older than him. So I didn't used to like him. Now, he's tolerable. No no... I'm sure he's a good guy. He's good to have around I'll tell you that. He's a pretty sneaky guy which can be a really good thing most of the time. The other times it's just annoying. hehehe. Put him and Nate together... look out! They are a riot. *sigh* These are the guys. I suppose that I could include Melissa with these guys. She's my little dim lightbulb. She's just a little bit slow. She doesn't quite catch on to things as fast as a normal person would. Hence, the dim lightbulb. hehehe. She knows I love her. She's cool as hell. I've known her since 6th grade (boo to the roach). She's so sweet. We went to Prom together. That was fun. She's fun to be around. She's so much fun to make fun of. Her and Mike too. hehehe. And boy do we ever make fun of them. heh heh. Sorry guys!

Then there are the Eastsiders... See I live on the westside of Madison and so do all the forementioned people. But then we have some friends from the eastside. We befriended them because we felt east high schoolsorry for them, living on the eastside and all... Just kidding! We love them anyway. First, there's Leah. Oh goodness! That girl is way too perky for her own good. She is so full of energy. I swear she has ADD. But we still love her. All 3'6" of her. Just kidding. She's at least 4'. hehehe... And then there's Alicia. She's supernice-- one of the nicest people I know. She's easy to talk to. You can talk with her for hours. And then we have Samantha. She's a little drama queen. She has quite a lovely voice. You should hear her sing sometime. She's a wonderful little actress also, although I haven't seen her in anything yet. But I bet she's really good. I keep saying little because she, like Leah, is not the tallest person in the world. But it adds to their charm. :-) So those are the eastsiders. They're awesome. Love 'em a lot. Especially when we get free ice cream at The Chocolate Shoppe. hehehe. And Leah's is a great place to hang out before and after Rhythm and Booms. It's become an annual event with us. We have a lot of fun.

Another friend that I have to mention is my friend Julie. I never get to see her anymore. :-( But we keep in touch via email. She's in Madison once in awhile, but the joke is that when we plan to do stuff and see each other, we don't. But then, out of the blue, we'll see each other or I'll make a special trip to Appleton to see her and her concert. *ahem* She's special. We once had a thing. Sorta but not really. I took her to her Homecoming. That was fun. I've known her for a couple of years now. I saw her every Saturday for two years (good ol' WYSO). I even remember how we first met. I try to always remember when I first meet a person. She is an absolutely beautiful person inside and out. She's got a boyfriend who she is absolutely in love with. She is so happy. And I am so happy for her.

Like I said along time ago (if you were paying attention), I'm a freshman at the Univ. of Wisconsin-- Madison. And a lot of my friends are here too. Nate, Zach, Leah, Alicia, and Julia all go here to the UW. My friend Cassie also goes here. She's awesome. She lives in the building right across the street from me. I've known her for like forever also. Sam also lives there. He's a cool guy. We play euchre together. We've been playing since 9th grade orchestra class. Which reminds me, he owes me money. hehehe. There are a lot of people here at the UW and I'll write more later.

A lot of my friends don't go to the UW. Mike goes to Lehigh. You're probably asking yourself "where?" Don't worry. Everybody does that. hehehe. And Melissa goes to Babson. Yeah yeah-- 'Where?' hehehe. My friend Emilie goes to "USC." No. Not Univ. of Southern Cali, but Univ. of South Carolina. Good ol' Fighting 'Cocks. Gamecocks, that is. She and Mike use to have a thing. But then it stopped. And now it's just stupid those two. Oh well... They're my friends. What can we do? Emilie's cool. She can be a little overwhelming but it's because she cares so much. I've known her for awhile too.

I'm gonna stop here. I hope I don't offend anyone if they're not mentioned above. If I mentioned everybody, this page would go on and on and on and on and on and... well... you get the picture.

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