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October 2, 2000

  • I just had one of the coolest weekends. On Friday night, I saw Guster and absolutely rocked. It was so much fun! I went with Liz, Maxwell, Meg, and Em. Then on Saturday night, I saw Dar Williams @ the Orpheum. She is so cool. I love her. It was just such a great show-- one of the best I've ever seen. I went with a friend of a friend, Lauren. I had such a great time with her. She is just the nicest, friendliest person I've met in awhile. I would have loved to hang out with her more that night, but she and my friend were going to go to the Plaza (a bar) and I don't have a fake (plus I don't drink). But it was a good night anyway. So that's what's new. :-)

September 7, 2000

  • So classes started on Tuesday. All my classes seem enjoyable. Life is pretty good now. We got a cat a few weeks ago. She's cute but kinda annoying. Too tired to really talk about anything. Just wanted to update for my own sake. g'night.

August 18, 2000

  • Hell yeah!!! I'm having such an awesome time!!! I moved in yesterday and our place is just soooooooo f***ing cool!!!!! And I'm having so much fun with my roomies!!!!! But spending way too much $$$. That's what happens. This is so awesome though!!!!! This is so much better than living in the dorms. *sigh*. This rocks!!!!!!!!!!!

August 10, 2000

  • Man! This has just been such an awesome week!!! First lunch with the roomies on Tuesday. Then, a bunch of good friends and I made and had a nice dinner. And I spent pretty much all of today with my buddy Michael. We had lunch then went car stereo shopping for his '82 beige Volvo. *ahem*. Then we saw "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" (a musical). It was so funny. It was just an awesome show. It was a fun day. What am I going to do tomorrow...?

August 9, 2000

  • I forgot to say something...

    HI STACY!!!

August 8, 2000

  • Wow! I had a great day today! I had lunch with my future roomies. We sat outside at Stillwater's and had a good lunch and just talked. We hammered out a few things and talk about each others' summers. Both my roomies went to Australia this summer. I feel left out. :-( And all they talk about is how much they drank! LOL They're great. I'm super-excited about living with them next year. It was just a fun day. We got ice cream and ran into my friend Leah and this guy she likes, Dave. hee hee. And then we went to the Blue Lotus and got matching tattoos. sort of a roomie bonding thing... just kidding. But we did go to the Blue Lotus. Angela was thinking about getting another tattoo. It was a good day. I'm just happy! I haven't felt this way in awhile. It feels good! :-p And tomorrow, my friends and i are making a nice dinner together. That's going to be fun. :-) I'm just sooo giddy. :-)

August 1, 2000

  • I totally forgot to mention that I saw Bob Dylan in concert at Alpine Valley. It was such an awesome show. Thanks again for the ticket Nate! Anyhoo... *sigh* I'm both excited and sad. I'm excited because I move in to my new place in about 2 weeks. I'm sad because the summer's almost over. It'll probably be the last summer where everyone will be in town -- Mike's got a job next summer in New York, Emilie'll probably stay in South Carolina next summer, and Melissa... well who knows with Melissa. But next summer will be very different. God, I'm already talking about next summer. Well this is my last week teaching tennis. :-( I'm going to miss my kids. Hey, today I went mini-golfing with a few of them. That was fun. I'm gonna miss 'em. But i'll see them next year (hopefully). yikes... 4:35 in the morning. bah.

July 22, 2000

  • I can't believe that this summer is all most over. I say that every summer but it's always true. I move in to my place in less than a month. I'm super excited. It's going to be tons of fun with me, Cassie, and Angela. Tennis is almost over too. I'm so sad. I'm going to miss my kids, especially my team tennis kids. :-( oh well. Overall I think this summer sucked. Given it's not over yet, but I doubt anything exciting is going to happen. We were suppose to go to Chicago this weekend, but that fell through like things usually do with us. oh well. *sigh* Hopefully something interesting will happen soon. We'll see.

July 9, 2000

  • So a lot has happened to me since i last wrote. Well, i got my feelings hurt and was on the brink of losing a friendship. But fortunately we were able to work things out. So life is good again. It was a very emotionally draining week. i was pretty tired by the end. i still am. well, yesterday i went to Summerfest in Milwaukee. It was tons of fun. I got to see my girls, Meg and Em. I love those two. They're so awesome. I also saw Little Blue Crunchy Things in concert again. It was supposedly their last show ever but who knows with them. I also saw the Gufs and Third Eye Blind. That was cool. It was good times. I was super tired by the end of the night. well... that's all for now.

June 24, 2000

  • There's nothing like a gentle summer rain. It's very relaxing. Well last night I went to visit my... uh... um... a friend. We went to dinner and a movie with two of my friends and one of hers. We saw "Chicken Run." Good movie. I love Aardman Films/Nick Park. It was good times. See... no one ever visits my site so this is a kind of release for me to say what's on my mind. If someone actually does read this, I'll be: a) surprised, 2) happy, and d) worried. oh well. so, i guess i kinda like this girl. i really like talking to her and whatnot. but we usually talk online so it's kinda different. i dunno... i feel like it's been a little awkward the last few times when we've actually talked in person. i dunno..... she's a sweet girl but... maybe it's because we live kinda far away. we've been talking about stuff that we're going to do next year like take a class together, but maybe we shouldn't... i dunno... i guess i'm just being stupid... i've only known her for a little over a month now. so it's kinda hard to say where we are/where we're going. i think it really is the distance thing that gets to me. i like having people close by. i don't know what i'm getting so worked up about. we're not serious. but still we're talking about taking a class together. hmm... argh! this sucks! i think all i want is to finally be alone with her sometime so we can just talk. Everytime I've seen her this summer, other people have been around. it sucks. *sigh*. oh well. i think it stopped raining.

June 22, 2000 (whoops!)

  • Oy! Well I'm out of school!!! Yea!!! But now i'm working. Booooo!!! I'm teaching tennis to youths and adults. I love my kids!!! They're the greatest!!! I love my job. Oh! Plus I'm super tan now too. Eat your heart out Rachel!!! Not much is happening. Life is good. Good friends, good times... Everything is good.

May 4, 2000 (add.)

  • I forgot to tell you. I'm a RENTHEAD!!! It feels good. It was in Madison for a week. I saw it on Tues night which was opening night. I saw it through my dorm. We had nosebleed seats but it was good anyway. BUT then on Friday night, Melissa (this girl on my floor) had some friends visiting so we went to dinner. And then we went by the civic center to see what was happening because she was told that you could get good seats cheap if you waited outside. And voila! there was "the line". There's a line at every RENT performance. So what did we decide to do? We decided to camp out for tickets. And we got them. We also met some interesting people in the process and made some friends. well me at least. But anyhoo... Our tickets were like 2nd row center. It was awesome. You could see their faces!!! They like performed for you. During "Seasons of Love" they were looking at me. I made eye contact with Benny, Roger, Mark's mom (Haven Burton, goddess-- but we'll talk about that later), Collins, and Mimi. It was awesome. Alright now to Haven Burton. Well I'm just sitting in my seat and watching the show and then this pretty girl comes out singing. she's part of the ensemble. And I'm smiling because she's pretty. And then she smiles back. That was cool. So for like the rest of the performance I'm looking at her and smiling and she's smiling back. And then during a song, she winks at me. I just melt in my seat. I literally melted in my seat. And i'm like, "She winked at me! She winked at me!" to Melissa. And now, I'm in love with her. :-) That's my RENT story. GO SEE IT! IT'S WORTH IT!

May 4, 2000

  • Ooops! It's May already. School's almost done. Thank God! It's been fun though. I'll miss the dorm life a little bit. I'll miss the people on floor for sure. But I think that moving out of the dorms will be so much better. I'll be living with my good friend Cassie and another friend Angela. We're super-excited. I think that i'll get more done too because I'll finally have some peace and quiet. No people to bother/distract me from my homework and such. But I'll seriously miss these crazy kids -- next year and over the summer. My roomie DJ I'll miss a lot. He was a good roomie. Wouldn't have wanted a different one. Max, the guy next door who's Jersey accent I pick on all the time, is a cool guy. I'll miss playing b-ball with him. Mark too. He's a good guy. He wants to be a teacher. You gotta respect that. And the girls. Too many to name. But they were a crazy bunch. Good times though and good memories. *sigh*

January 29, 2000

  • Well, I finished the first week of school. Seems pretty easy, but looks can be deceiving... But, I do have a good feeling about this semester. There's going to be no messing around this semester-- straight A's all the way. I'm excited. It'll be all good...

January 20, 2000

  • Well, I'm moved in. But no one else is. There's like 5 other people here. It's kinda boring. And it's hella cold so I can't go anywhere. *sigh* blah....

January 18, 2000

  • I just came back from a quick trip to LA to visit my relatives and for my cousin Ted's wedding banquet. At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to go. Well I did want to go but it cost a bit of money to go. But it was worthy it. I never get to see my relatives. I hadn't seen them for about 4 years. wow. It was really good to see them again. They've changed but they haven't if you know what I mean. I love my family. I wish I could see them more often. I was talking to my cousin Michael and he wished that he would have hung out with his relatives more. Well at least the ones that are close by. He said that when he asks his friends where there going, they say that they going to hang out with their cousins. Now he kinda regrets not hang out with them sooner. Yeah I wish I could be closer to my family, but oh well.

January 12, 2000

  • There's not a whole lot happening in my life right now. I just got an email saying that I owe $15 because I forgot to turn in my chemistry lab key. Oops.
  • I've been working on this webpage a whole lot in the past couple of days. I can't wait to get back to school becaus then I have access to multiple scanners. :-) hehehe.
  • I'm still on break and I'm bored out of my mind. I can't wait to go back. Don't get me wrong-- I like doing stuff with my friends right now, but during the day I get so bored. I miss having people around me all the time.

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