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Gentle Christian Mothers Webring

Steps to join

1. You must be a member of Gentle Christian Mothers, and must have a website that has parenting information on it (commercial sites will be accepted only if they sell products which promote attachment/natural parenting). I hope to have this ring filled with sites that contain information on subjects such as parenting (attachment-style, natural, responsive, gentle parenting), pregnancy, childbirth, infant care, breastfeeding, gentle guidance, health issues, etc. Sharing personal experiences moms have had with their children that support the ideals of gentle, godly parenting is encouraged.

2. If you meet the above requirements, save the following graphic to your hard drive or a disc and then upload it to your server.

[Gentle Christian Mothers Ring]


3. Submit your site using form below.

4. Put the html code on your site (you will get the exact html code to put on your page after you press the submit button below; it will also be sent to you in your e-mail). I prefer that you put the webring on a page that is not just full of webrings, but it's okay if you put it on a webring page as long as your index page clearly links to your webring page.

5. Please let me know when you have placed the html fragment on your page, and I will take a look at your site. If your site meets the requirements and if I like it, I will add your site to the ring. Please be aware that if I like your site, but have any concerns, I may share those concerns with you.

Submit site to Gentle Christian Mothers
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.