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ePilot                                                              Score: 9/10
Pay per search: US $0.03
Additional comments: Great company with quite high pay out rate. Get $5 just for signing up and get paid $2 for every referral. Recommended.

Skiddily                                                                           Score: 8/10

Pay per search: US$0.01-$0.05
Comments: Quite different from other get paid to search programs. Not all your searches will be paid. If you click on a result that an advertiser is paying for, you will be paid.  And you will not know which results are paid. Pleas note that their limits are a maximum ten paid searches per day only. You don't have to match your referrals' searches in order to get paid coz they want you to search only when needed. One of the very best!

Giant Rewards                                               Score: 7/10

Pay per click: earn points which can be redeem for cash/gift certs
Availability: More than 20 countries
Additional comments: Immediately get $5 in your account once you have signed up. Earn points and chances to participate in their lottos when you click on their banner links. Points can be redeemed for certificates like gift certs.

Get Paid To Join                                             Score: 6/10

Pay per click: 03 cents to 25 cents pr maybe higher
Comments: They are now in tehir pre-launch.Their pay per click rates vary on the merchant's and how much they wish to pay per click. Pay per signup rate also varies on the particular offer, they try to offer a minimum of $1+ per signup plus referral bonuses. Looks good and definitely worth a try!

Gossip Asia                                                      Score: 5/10

Pay per click: US$0.03-$0.45
Comments: It's a company based in India. They haven't started their get paid to click program yet and they promised it will start soon. A GossipAsian can earn up to US $10 on a daily basis for visiting online merchants. 

( please use our email )

Paid Zone                                                       Score: 6/10

Pay per visit: US$0.02
A check processing fee of $1 for US resident and $2.50 for foreign will be debited from your account if a check is written at the end of the month. They also pay you $.01 for each site your referrals visit. They have a paid to sign-up program too.

All Paid For                                                      Score: 7/10

Comments: Collect points by clicking on their links. They don't pay in checks. When you have collected certain amount of points , you can exchange them for gift certificates from various merchants e.g. .

Create A Click Network                                          

Current Launched Sites: 
Paid to Click | A Dollar A Minute | Clicks 4 Profit | All Star Mall | Paid Clicks | Platin Clicks | Click Wage | Earning Daily |
Coming soon: Cash Visits, Site Clickers, Easy Cash For You, Click for the Stars.

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