Smoking info

You may also tend to light up at sporting events, parties, or as mentioned earlier, the end of a meal. smoking info Quit-smoking-aids. Stress: As mentioned above, stress can be a trigger, causing you to reach for a cigarette. Cigarettes do have a legitimate calming effect on many smokers, encouraging the use of cigarettes as tranquilizers. Stress is caused by numerous things in our lives and is most likely a daily influence in your life. smoking info Xenical diet drugs. Part of your job when giving up cigarettes is learning how to deal with your stress in some way other than smoking. Step 9 below discusses exercise as a stress reliever and quit-smoking method. Meditation and visualization (Step 7 above) are also good stress relievers. smoking info Whats-in-a-cigarette. Plan how you will reduce stress in your life. 9. ExerciseAs previously mentioned, exercise is an excellent method for reducing stress. Exercise also can play an important role in helping you to quit smoking. Research shows that smokers who take up a regular exercise program have a much higher quit-smoking success rate. The higher the level of activity, the higher the success rate. Smoking and exercise simply aren't compatible. A Gallup Poll found that smokers who exercised were twice as likely to quit smoking versus smokers who did not exercise. Cigarettes do alleviate stress for many smokers. When you give up cigarettes, your stress level likely will rise. Exercise is an excellent stress reliever and can replace your dependence on cigarettes for stress relief. The many positive effects of exercise are too numerous to mention or explain here. However, here is a list of some of the most common benefits of exercise:Reduced stressIncreased staminaIncreased feelings of well being and improved healthWeight lossImproved muscle tone and physical appearanceIncreased self-esteem and sense of accomplishmentImproved sleepImproved performance at workImproved attitudes and dispositionTo get started exercising you need to choose one or two activities that you enjoy. Common exercises include walking, jogging, biking, swimming, tennis, basketball, etc. You may even decide to undertake regular, strenuous yard work for your neighbors. Try to exercise 20-30 minutes at a time, three to four times per week. If you are out of shape, give yourself time to work up to this regular exercise schedule. Consult your doctor before beginning your exercise program. For many people, exercise is drudgery.

Smoking info

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