'Offside' Column
League Tables
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How to Play
Rules for Season IV
History of the League
    Season I
    Season II
    Season III
    Season IV
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Season I began in earnest in January 1999.  I expected, (and had catered for), about 20 players for the League, and was surprised to have initial enquiries from 60 odd potential players.  

The League ended up having 44 players, and the format was one that I had looked for throughout the Internet, but could not find...simplicity.  The basis of the League is not choosing an entire team for your season ahead, and having to shuffle players when real life suspensions or injuries occurred.  But instead, the League is a simple one, but at the same time tangible, and able to to be altered to allowed the League to grow.

In Season I there were 2 competitions, a League and a Cup.  The League was run everyweek and the Cup was a knockout competition, (with no replays).  Also, there were 3 'bonus' weeks where players would predict a result of a match.  3 points were awarded for a correct prediction, and no points were awarded if the prediction was incorrect.  

With 2 weeks remaining, (and the League leaders looking very tightly bunched), a decision had to be made as to what would happen for players on the same number of points.  I could see there being potential that players would be 1st or 2nd equal, and didn't want the League to finish on a low note.  So emails were sent, and the players were informed that tie-breakers would be determined on 'count back', and this would take place immediately.

As you can imagine all hell broke loose when the results were sent out for Week 14, and despite no complaints when the email was sent, there were a few when the final week's results and table were sent out.  Fair play though.  That's what the League is all about, and I can only hope for a similar finish in the future.


Season I League Table - The top ten finishers

  Player W 1 W 2 W 3 W 4 W 5 W 6 B 1 W 8 B 2 W 9 W10 W 11 B3 W 12 W 13 W 14 Total
1 Haslemore Mail 10 0 4 9 5 8 3 1 3 2 12 7 0 10 8 6 88
2 Lauren Chapman 6 3 7 3 6 9 3 4 3 2 13 6 0 11 7 5 88
3 Steve Celland 5 1 11 5 5 11 0 4 0 5 13 5 3 9 9 2 88
4 Gavin Bradshaw 4 1 5 7 7 7 0 8 3 11 7 4 0 5 9 9 87
5 Jonathan Slim 4 1 12 7 6 10 0 4 0 3 8 7 3 8 8 6 87
6 Graham Anderson 8 3 10 8 4 9 0 4 0 3 14 6 3 10 0 5 87
7 Stijn Vn de Putte 6 0 8 0 7 12 3 4 0 5 10 10 0 7 10 4 86
8 Paul Thompson 13 0 8 4 6 6 3 4 0 5 11 4 0 12 9 0 85
9 Bell, Trevor 5 1 9 4 5 7 3 3 3 3 12 6 0 8 6 10 85
10 Zaid Akhter 5 1 7 5 7 10 3 0 0 4 8 8 0 9 10 6 83