
MIDI Music: "Landslide"

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Hi, my name is Rachel, and I'm now 23 years old. As Laura's sister and best friend, I grew with her, and settled with at the age of 17, where we remained for a number of years. While some might say that I felt obligated, I view this as a choice, because I did so willingly.

In 1998 Laura and I had long discussions about the merits and drawbacks of entering adulthood. The body had been a legal adult for 18 years, but the two of us were still 17. Since I still chose to age with Laura, I addressed the same dilemma. Then someone outside suggested to Laura that it might be a good compromise to age to 17 1/2, and Laura agreed to that. She took a small step forward without having to make a commitment that was not yet possible, and I continued to stand by her.

Over the next year or so, a number of changes came about in our system's administration. Our original administrator and keeper of the body's age stepped into the background, stating that she believed it best for the rest of us if she no longer remained active on an everyday basis. Charity, an adult who had been handling many of the day-to-day responsibilities of nurturer and caretaker, began to need assistance as our household grew. Since I have a natural talent for organization and am somewhat levelheaded levelheaded woman
with cool shades, it was easy for me to pitch in. I soon found myself taking over most of the day-to-day supervisory tasks. Our former administrator dissipated into several of us to make the transition nearly complete.

With the increase in my responsibility, the issue of aging came up once more with Laura and me. We had more long discussions. I explained to Laura that I needed and wanted to be an adult, and that my doing so would in no way lessen my ties to her. She put aside her own wishes and needs so that I could step forward, first to 18, then as a "slider" of 18-23, and now as a full-time 23-year-old. I'm happy being where I am now, and doing what I'm doing. And I'm able to do better at something I've always needed to learn--how to be an individual, my own person--me.

Peace be with you,


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Site logo by shawn. Photo frame and background designed by Laura from an image
from Matt's Pictures of Roses (URL unknown). Title graphic by Laura and Allegra.
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