FIFTH GENERATION on Glen's Father's side

Alexander WILSON *

Alexander was born on 14 April 1803 in Richfield, Otsego County, New York... He died 4 January 1831, at age 27, in Wilson, Niagara County, New York... He was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Section C7.

Alexander died intestate from injuries received after being kicked by a horse... Surrogate Court records for Niagara County, filed 9 February 1831, at Lewiston, appointed Catherine Wilson and Oliver Wilson, to be adminstrators of Alexander's "Goods, Chattels and Credits"... Sureity was provided by father Reuben and brother Luther Wilson.

In 1828, he married Catherine EFFNER * in Wilson Township, New York...

Catherine EFFNER *(42)

Catherine was born about 1808/9 in York Township, Upper Canada... "Landmarks of Orleans County New York", states "the mother of Valentine was Catherine Efner, born in Canada in 1809 and died 1892"... Place of death and burial is still unknown... Her surname has always been questionable... However, it is believed the difference in spelling has been caused by the the way the name sounds when spoken; Hefner, Efner or Effner... Many records list one or the other spelling... Her son Almeron's Civil War millitary record lists his mother's name as Catherine Efner.

Between the time Catherine was born and the time she marries, movements of the Effner family in or out of Canada are unknown, also the disposition of her father, Valentine Effner... It is believed her mother came to visit or live with her daughter based on the 1830 Federal census for Wilson, Niagara County... The census lists Alexander as head of household with two males under 5 (son Almeron's age was 1 year 6 months, son Valentine was 3 months), one male 15 to 20 (possibly Catherine's brother if he existed), one male and one female 20 to 30 (Alexander was 27 years 2 months, Catherine was about 22), one female 40 to 50 (Catherines mother would be 45)... It appears Catherine and her sons stayed in the Village of Wilson after Alexander's death in January 1831... It is likely her mother (and brother) lived with her or she with them until the mother marries for the second time to a Mr. Farnum (name given in her brother's Will)... Census records are yet to be discovered that establishes where either women was during this period of time... Catherine's two sons disappear during this period and end up living with her mother and brother in the 1855 Census... The 1840 Census does not indicate they were living with Matthias nor were they living with their mother in 1840 when she marries Jonathan Lutts... It seems a probability they were living with their grandmother and came with her to live with her brother, Matthias, in 1852.

In either 1832 or 1836 she purchases Lot #3 (1/2 acre), in the Village of Wilson, from her father-in-law, Reuben Wilson...(140) Within a year she sells the land back to Reuben Wilson... There is no other information regarding Catherine until she meets and marries Jonathan LUTTS of Porter Township (Niagara County); they marry in the Village of Wilson, about 1840... Jonathan was born 25 February1804, Cayuga County, New York, and died 27 March 1878, Ransomville, Niagara County, New York... (139) He was the son of Jonathan Lutts who came to the settlement that became the Town of Porter in 1806, his brother Jacob came in 1808 and their brother Michael soon after... (59 pg 45 & 332) Portions of the Town of Porter became the Town of Wilson after the War of 1812... Jonathan Sr., purchased 160 acres from the Holland Land Company, improved it and continued as a resident of the town for 30 years.(60)(105)

Jonathan and Catherine Lutts had nine children, all born in the Town of Wilson... According to census records they settled in Lewiston Township where Jonathan died and is buried...(141) Federal census for 1850 shows Jonathan, age 46, Catherine, age 41 (b. Canada), and children: Ruth C. (9); Don F. (8); Jonathan B. (7); Esther C. (6); Ellen (4); Louisa M. (2); Estell (1); and twins Hiram E. and Catherine T. (1/12)... 1860 Federal census shows much the same accept the twin Catherine does not appear... In 1870 the Census for Lewiston, Niagara County, finds Jonathan, age 66, and Catherine, age 62, with their children Louisa (21) and Hiram (20)... In 1875 they are still living in Lewiston and the State Census lists Jonathan, age 71, Catherine, age 68, with Liza (Louisa, age 26), and Tillie Mass (Catherine, age 25) with her son Burt, age 6... Hiram is not listed... However, the 1880 Census for Lewiston shows Catherine, age 71, with Louisa (31) and Hiram (28), living together... Research has not uncovered information as to where Catherine lived after 1880 or the place where she died and is buried... [This researcher has always wondered why Catherine's son's from her first marriage show up living with her mother's brother, Matthias Brown in the 1850 Orleans County Census, and not with their mother in the 1850 Census for Lewiston, Niagara county..?]

Jonathan LUTTS is buried in North Ridge Cemetery, Cambria, Niagara County, New York, with two sons, Don F. and J. Bertrand... Researcher visited there in June 2001 and took digital photographs of the monument... What is interesting is the monument is relatively new, obviously placed there after Johnathan and his sons were buried [but by whom ...?}... It was expected that Catherine and or her daughter Ruth (Kate) were buried there but no stone or evidence could be found... Cemetery records in the possession of a caretaker were viewed and a card was on file indicating Catherine was buried in that plot, North Ridge Cemetery, Lot 1B-070.

Children of Alexander and Catherine WILSON were:

i.... Almeron Calvin WILSON

Almeron was born on 19 December 1828, in Wilson, Niagara County, New York... Most records indicate the birth date is 25 January 1829, however, based on recorded age at death the birth date is calculated to be 19 December 1828... He died on 22 July 1914, in Montrose, Genesee County, Michagan..(43) Cause of death is listed as arterio silerosis and age at death was 85years, 7months, 3 days (recorded 10 Aug 1914).

Almeron served in the military from Carlton, Orleans County, between August 1864 and June 1865...(44) Carlton Town Clerk records show Almeron was a Private in the 17th NY Infantry having enlisted 9 Aug 1864 in Rochester, New York. He was discharged 16 June 1865 at Rochester, after serving 10 months 7 days... His Post Office address at discharge was Kuckville, New York... It is recorded that his father was Alexander Wilson and mother Catherine Efner (Hefner)... He was buried in Montrose Cemetery... There is no mention of Almeron in the Wilson Family Bible although Valentine is mentioned frequently... However, the Census shows him, age 26, living in Carlton Twp. as nephew to Matthias Brown... The 1860 and 1870 Federal Census shows him, age 32 & 41, his family and grandmother living in Carlton Township... In 1862 he and Valentine are mentioned as "heirs-in-law" of their grandfather Reuben's probate (being sons of his deceased son Alexander)... In the 1875 State Census he is shown livingin Carlton with his [grand]mother, Catherine (92)... He appears next in the 1890 Michigan Federal Census for Veterans.

In 12 November 1856, portions of Lot 6 and 8, Section 9 (Kuckville), were granted to Almeron from Matthias Brown... Also, Catherine [Brown] Farnham granted land to Almeron and Valentine on 26 September 1857... Almeron again received land from Catherine on 25 May 1863, portions of Lots 1 and 11, amounting to 75.5 acres... In 1869 Almeron was granted other portions of Lots 1 and 11 from Valentine... He is listed in the 1869 Directory for Orleans County, page 137, as "Wilson, Almeron C., (Kuckville), Lot 11, Sec. 9, R2, Farmer".

In the "Record of the Town of Carlton, Officers, Soldiers and Seaman", prepared by Town Clerk in 186(?), list 973.7, pg 796, Report of the Adjutant [viewed at Medina Library, Orleans Co., New York], indicates Almeron Calvin Wilson, 36 years of age, resident of Carlton, son of Alexander Wilson and Catherine Efner [Hefner], enlisted as a private in the 17th Battery, Heavy Artillery on 9 September 1864 at Rochester for one year... He was mustered out with the 17th Battery on 12 June 1865 in Richmond, Virginia... His Post Office address at the time was Kuckville... "1890 Michigan Veterans Census Index" lists Almeron Wilson residing in Genesee County, Suprv Dist #2, Enum Dist #18. Also, "Special Schedules of 1890 Census - Union Veterans & Widows", page 6, lists for Montrose TWP, House and Family #128, Almeron C. Wilson... His pension record indicates since discharge he had lived in Carlton, Orleans County, New York from 1865 - 1878; Center Plains, Michigan, from 1882 - 1886, and Montrose, Michigan, since 1886.

OBITUARY (believed from Flint Journal): "A. C. Wilson, an old and highly respected resident of this township passed away after a short illness at th home of his son George, on Tuesday evening, July 21 at the age of 85.. Mr. Wilson had been in poor health for several weeks and the hot weather no doubt hastened his death.. He was born in Wilson, New York, in 1829 and was married to Levina Phelps of that state later moving to Michigan in 1862.. He was a member of the 17th NY Infantry Battery one year.. He has lived on the same farm in this township for 27 years and is well known throughout the vicinity.. The funeral was held at his home on Friday.. Rev. Hawkins of Saginaw officiated and burial was made in the Montrose cemetery.. Besides a wife he leaves 11 children to mourn their loss. The children are Rueben of Barry County, Alice Dunham of New York, Ida Anderson of California, Carl of Flint, Grace Mott of New York, Grant of Dimondale, Kate Robbins of Cal., Ed of S. Dakota, George and Clare and Hattie of Montrose." [Several obvious errors appear in this obituary that occur without regard to the fact Almeron and family left New York in 1787 and lived in Crawford County, Michigan, for 8 years... The obituary for Almeron's wife Lydia is more accurate.]

An Albion newspaper column on news from Kuckville, 29 July 1914, reads, "Mrs. Grace [William E.] Mott received word on friday of the death of her aged father Almeron Wilson of Montrose, Michigan [near Flint].. He was a brother of the late Valentine Wilson and was a former resident here where he leaves many friends"... He is buried alongside his wife.. Their headstones indicate "Father" and "Mother", and he as a "CW Vet"... They are buried in the same plot with Geo. M. F. Davis, daughter Ida Mae's husband... Her mothers obituary idicates Ida Mae is now Mrs. Anderson and living in California, she maybe buried there. as there is no marker for her in this plot... The plot was owned by Almeron and contains seven grave sites but only three are used.

ii... Valentine Alexander WILSON *.

Page revised December 2002