May 2002
May - a FUN month! Expect flowers to begin popping up all over... give some to mom to celebrate her day... have a Mexican fiesta... and end the month with a patriotic celebration - marking the unofficial beginning of SUMMER!
Word for May: patriotic
(pay-tree-ah-tik)  adj.
Feeling, expressing, or inspired by love for one's country
May has patriotic celebration days for many countries around the world - Memorial Day, Flag Day, Victoria Day - and celebrating such patriotic ideas as: Constitution, Liberation, Armistice, Republic, and Labor Day.
The United States actually has TWO patriotic celebrations in May. One is Armed Forces Day, celebrating all branches of the military

The other is
Memorial Day - always celebrated on the last Monday in May to honor those who fought and died for our country. Memorial Day was first called Decoration Day.  It was changed to Memorial Day  in 1882.

Memorial Day also marks the beginning of the gardening and summer seasons, even  though summer will not occur for a few weeks later. Many of us celebrate with our first family picnic of the season!
We salute the military men and women who protect our country
When granni was a child many people showed that they were patriotic by going to the cemetary and putting flowers on graves of their beloved. That's why it was sometimes called Decoration Day.
May 1 - May Day
May 5 - Cinco de Mayo
May 7 - National
     Teachers Day
May 12 - Mothers Day
May 18 - Armed
     Forces Day
May 27 - Memorial Day
Around the world May Day is a celebration of Spring. In some countries it is also a day to
celebrate workers. 
Where would we be without MOTHERS?
We wouldn't even be here, so don't you think Mother's Day is important? Want to do something special for mom on her day?
Kid's Domain has all kinds of activities. Go there now and get a head start on making her a gift or card, send an e-card and more.

Read all about the
History of Mother's Day , biographiies of 100 famous mothers, or write a poem in tribute to mothers. It might get published on their homepage. Surprise your mom with your knowledge about important moms and let her know that, to you, she is the most important one in the whole world!
Cinco de Mayo is celebrated by people whose origins are from Mexico. Since many U. S. citizens have a Mexican background, the holiday is gaining more interest in the U.S. celebrating the holiday much like we celebrate St. Patrick's Day - with parades, pinatas and Mexican foods.
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo - games, crafts, recipes
One of granni's favorite recipe sites has a special section describing the ingredients used in many Mexican foods.  They also have a selection of Mexican recipes.  If you're old enough to use the microwave oven, here's a quick and easy Mexican meal you can fix for your mom! Defrost 4-6 frozen burritos in the microwave. Cover each of them with two or three  tablespoons of salsa. Sprinkle a little cheese on top. Pop them back in the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes (until cheese melts). Serve with a nice fresh salad! This will serve 3 or 4 people.
For games, crafts and recipes - Kids Domain celebrates Cinco de Mayo!
April 26, 2002
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Thanks Blackdog!
Granni39's Website pick for May:
Blackdog has a page for kids - featuring such fun things as building your own story.....

... and a
page for teens featuring a message board called the "graffiti wall", electronic post-cards, and games!