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Milady's Scrapbook

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I have received so many wonderful gifts from my
Victorian friends that I want to share with you.
All of these mementos mean so much to me that I felt I needed to
have a place in my house where I could
relax and  browse through my Scrapbook.
Lady Paula

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[Page One]  [Page Two]  [Page Three]  [Page Four]

Front Porch :: Foyer :: Atrium :: Parlour :: Chapel
Library :: Dining Room :: Family Room :: Mom's Room
Dad's Room :: Sitting Room :: My Boudoir :: Donnie's Room
John's Room :: Molly's Room :: Brady's Room :: Jen's Room
Kitchen :: Attic :: Back Porch :: Gardens :: Carriage House
Scrapbook :: Flower of the Week :: Start Page

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Updated: October 28, 2006
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