Kyle Joseph Hodges
Dec. 18, 1998


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My Heart Defect

Mother's Day Tribute
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From Kathy's Korner

Friendship Quilt

My Angel Above
Kyle Joseph's Memorial Pages
Kyle's Story
Kyle's Ultrasound Pictures

Heaven's Angels
Simply Enchanting Angels
Garden Of Friendship

*Battle of the Ancients* 
*The Web Brawls*
*Southern Dreams*

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   This was the worst day of my life.  I had went through almost six months of pregnancy, felt my baby kick and move and thought nothing this bad would ever happen to me. 
On Dec. 18, 1998 at 10 am, I gave birth to my son.  He was so tiny but he had everything.  Ten toes, ten fingers, everything.  He weighed 9oz. and was 11 inches long.  Kyle was the most precious little baby, he was my baby.  I got to hold him, but I don't remember much of that day because I had a morphine drip instead of the epidural.  Then around 4 pm. I had him baptized by the hospital chaplin.  I waited so long because Kyle's father was working and he wanted to be there when Kyle was baptized.  Still to this day I do not know why he didn't just take off of work, he knew I was going to be induced.  I can't say much about the father because we are no longer together and were not together when Kyle was born.  I broke up with him when I found out I was pregnant because I didn't want my baby to be like his father. 
I had to stay in the hospital for a few more days after Kyle was born due to my heart and my aunt planned the funeral.  It was a nice ceremony.  The reverand who did the speaking had also lost his twins and was very comforting.  I didn't know who was affected by this loss until the funeral when about 10 - 15 of my friends showed up at my house before the funeral.  These were people who I never thought would show up because I wasn't close to them at all.  My mom told me that I shouldn't stay to watch them cover the grave, but it was for closure (if that makes sense).  It was a horrible day for me, but I was comforted in the fact that my baby was in Heaven with Jesus.  And now he is playing with all the other angels and his older sibling who was lost in my miscarriage.  I know he is well taken care of and he needs nothing anymore.  I still think about him everyday and talk to him all the time.

These are the true footprints that were left on my heart when Kyle left. (Kyle's footprints)


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