Deutsche Sprachschule Concordia


The School

Time and location

Courses and fees

School council

History of our school



        Rules and Regulations

1. Absence

     1.1.  Illness & Absence 
     1.2.  Parental Withdrawal
     1.3.  Illness during the School Day

2. General

     2.1.  Missed Tests or Assignments
     2.2.  Textbooks and Library Books
     2.3.  Evaluation
     2.4.  Safe & Secure statement 
     2.5.  Technology
     2.6.  Consideration for Others
     2.7.  Dangerous Materials

3. Rules

     3.1.  Profane Language
     3.2.  Smoking
     3.3.  Security
     3.4.  Accidents
     3.5.  Dress Code
     3.6.  Neighbouring Properties
     3.7.  Visitors

Illness & Absence 
                                Sign out

Students knowing in advance that they will be absent for a part of a school day because of medical, dental appointments or other reasons are to present a parental note to the secretary on the day of the absence prior to the time they are signing out.

                        Parental Withdrawal

(arranged with your (Vice-) Principal prior to any absence)
A student may be temporarily withdrawn from school at the request of the parents or at their own request if the student is eighteen (18) or older. The parent/adult student will take full responsibility for this absence from school and for any work or tests missed.

             Illness during the School Day

A student who becomes ill during the school day is expected to report to the Main Office. The secretary will contact the student’s parents to ensure that someone is available to pick up the student and will have the student "sign out". 
If the parent cannot be reached, the student must remain in the office or class.

Missed Tests or Assignments
          It is the student’s responsibility to catch up as quickly as
          possible any work missed for any reasons.
Extra assignments may be given to students who miss an
excessive amount of time.
An assignment/project submitted late will have 10 % of the
earned mark deducted per week to a maximum of 50 % 
deduction. A late oral presentation will have 25 % of the earned mark deducted per week to a maximum of 50 % deduction.
The revised presentation date/format is at the teacher’s discretion.
Textbooks and Library Books

All texts issued by the school are the property of the German Language School Concordia. Students must return all issued books at the end of the school year in acceptable condition or pay for a replacement. Students who do not return their text or library books will have their report cards withheld and will not be registered the following semester until their debts are cleared.


Students are generally evaluated on the basis of effort, attendance and achievement. 
The criteria for evaluation will be available at the beginning of each course by the subject teacher. 
Students who experience difficulties in the course work should seek extra help from their subject teacher. 
For Kindergarten to Grade 8 achievement will be indicated with a letter grade. 
For Grade 9 to OAC students’ achievement will be shown as a percentage grade. Learning skills will be evaluated and reported separately.

         Safe & Secure statement of Non-Tolerance 
                 by the Waterloo Region District Board 

The following behaviour will not be tolerated on school property or in school related activities:

- the use, possession or sale of alcohol or illicit drugs
- the possession or use of weapons or items which are
  to be used as weapons
- any physical assault threats or assault or intimidation
- any gang/youth displaying a pattern of delinquent or 
  disruptive activity
- any sexual, ethnocultural, and/or racial abuse, slurs or 

In accordance with the Waterloo Region District School Board, the German Language School Concordia will demonstrate non-tolerance for this behaviour by positive, considered and
immediate action, which includes in the majority of cases, but is not limited to:

- Contacting the parent/guardian (when the student is minor)
- Confiscating the weapon, drugs or alcohol
- Contacting the police in the case of assault, drugs, alcohol 
   and/or weapons
- Contacting the Superintendent of Schools for consultation 
   regarding other actions

The German Language School will continue to promote a positive school atmosphere and the development of  self-esteem in our students.



Acceptable use Guideline: The Waterloo Region District School Board believes that students and staff should have opportunities to:

- access local, national and international sources of 
- collaborate and communicate with both local and world 
- develop knowledge and skills that will be useful throughout 
  their lives

The Board, by providing access to telecommunication services and access to various forms of technology, recognizes the potential to support curriculum and student learning expectations in order to promote educational excellence.
The Board will make every effort to protect students and staff from misuse and abuse of these services and will take reasonable steps to ensure that they are used only for purposes consistent with the Board’s learning expectations. Notwithstanding this, misuse and abuse may occur. 

It is the responsibility of each user to guard continuously against inappropriate and/or illegal activity. All equipment owned by the Board is purchased for the purpose of carrying
out the mandate of the Board, regardless of the location of the equipment. The Board has the right to view email and other related documents at its discretion.

The Board is responsible for:

- providing filtering protection, within its technical 
  which will restrict access to material that has no 
  value or is inappropriate, such as material deemed to be 
  racist, pornographic, dangerous, or obscene
- developing appropriate rules of conduct 
- supplying resources and training for all staff and students 
  in  the acceptable use of telecommunications services and 
  computer technology
- ensuring a level of privacy for all users (however, this level
  of  privacy does not preclude the fact that people who
  operate and  maintain the telecommunication system may
  have access to  mail, data, and software on these systems)

Each school is responsible for:

- providing access to telecommunications services and
  computer technology, as appropriate and available, to all
  students and staff
- monitoring the students’ use of the telecommunications
  services for appropriate use and behavior
- dealing with students abuse of privileges in a matter
  consistent with the school code of behavior and this
  Acceptable Use Guidelines.

Users of the telecommunications services and computer technology are responsible for:

- being prepared to use these services for curricular and
  administrative purposes
- using the resources and technology ethically and in an
  appropriate manner
- using the resources and technology legally
- adhering to the guidelines and/or rules of etiquette
  promoted  by their school/site and in accordance with
  WRDSB policies  and procedures

Use of these telecommunications services and computer technology is a privilege, not a right. 

The privilege may be revoked for unacceptable conduct and students or staff may be subject to disciplinary action.

Abuse of the technology may also lead to civil and/or criminal action.

Unacceptable conduct includes the following, and other unmistakable misuse of the technology:

1. Using the system for any illegal activity, including hacking
2. Using the system for personal, financial or commercial gain
3. Degrading or disrupting equipment or system performance 
    of WRDSB or other systems (introducing a virus, installing
    non-curriculum/administrative required software, attaching 
    non-ITS approved devices to WRDSB network)
4. Vandalizing equipment or the data of other users
5. Gaining unauthorized access to resources, files, programs, 
    other computer systems or technological entities
6. Invading the privacy of individuals
7. Sharing access codes, account numbers, passwords and
    other  authorizations which have been assigned to them
8. Posting anonymous messages
9. Placing unlawful information on the system or distributing it
    via the system (e.g. hate literature)
10. Using abusive or otherwise objectionable language in
      public or private messages
11. Sending messages that are likely to result in the loss of a
      recipient’s work or in the disruption of the system (e.g. a
      computer virus)
12. Sending "chain letters" or global messages or other types
      of communications which would cause congestion of the 
      system (spamming)
13. Sending or receiving messages and/or images which are
      inconsistent with the Board’s curriculum and conduct 
      guidelines. These include messages and/or images which
      are racist, pornographic, dangerous, obscene or contain
      threats of violence.
14. Plagiarism or copyright violations
15. Misuse of peripheral computer equipment (scanners,
      digital cameras, etc.)
16. Accessing email services which allow a user to be
      identified was other than themselves
17. Deliberately bypassing or attempting to bypass security
      provisions implemented by the Board (content filter, 
      firewall, etc.)
18. Establishing website postings and email messages, which
      have a connection to the School Board and are criminal,
      degrading, defamatory or inappropriate
19. Downloading or posting inappropriate comments, 
      defamatory remarks or pictures

The Board believes that students and staff benefit from access to telecommunications services and computer technology, in the form of  information resources and opportunities for collaboration and discussion.
The Board also believes that the benefits far exceed any disadvantages.
Adults, whether they be staff or students over 18 years of age are responsible for their own use of in-school computer telecommunications and computer technology. Parents and/or guardian(s) are responsible for encouraging students under 18 years of age, in the appropriate use of technology in the school.

Consideration for Others

Students are expected to respect the rights of others to
learn at all times. 
Therefore, students should leave portable radios and tape decks in the security of their homes. Personal listening 
devices (i.e. walkmans, CD players) may only be used before and after school. 
They must not be visible during teaching blocks.
Cell phones and pagers are not permitted on school board property.
Students are expected to use the available pay telephones for personal calls.

Dangerous Materials

It is an offense to have dangerous materials at school (i.e. fire crackers, laser pointers, studded bracelets, heavy metal chains, knives, etc.)

Profane Language

Students are expected to refrain from using profane language at all times on school property or at school activities. Students using profane language may be suspended.


Smoking is not permitted on any school board property or at any school-related activities. Students who smoke in the school or on school property will be suspended.
The infraction may be reported to the Provincial Offenses Officer with the Regional Municipality of Waterloo.
There may be a resulting fine.


Each student is responsible for the care and security of their textbooks and other personal items. Students are advised not to bring large sums of money or valuables to school.


Accidents must be reported immediately to the Main Office and will be dealt with appropriately. Where necessary, the appropriate authorities will be notified.

Dress Code

All students are expected to be dressed in a manner acceptable for a learning and working environment.
Acceptable clothes and shoes are to be worn at all times. 
Jackets/coats and winter boots are inappropriate to wear in class and should be stored. Students wearing tattered, offensive or provocative clothing, clothes promoting alcohol or drugs, tube tops, halter tops or tops showing bare midriffs will be instructed to change into more suitable attire. 
If necessary students will be sent home to change into more suitable attire.

Neighbouring Properties

Out of courtesy to our neighbours, students are not to loiter in front of or near neighbouring houses on neighbourhood crosswalks.


While parents are very welcome, visitors must first report to the school’s main office. 


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