Verse 1-10 Verse11-20 Verse 21-30
Verse 31-40 Verse 41-50 Verse 51-60
Verse61-70 Verse 71-80 Verse 81-90
Verse91-100 Verse101-110 Verse 111-124


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This world of Yours is a great garden and
you have planned it with all the ingenuity of
cosmic-intelligence. You continue to plant new
and newer seeds, weed out the undesirable
ones and nurture all plants with meticulous
care and affection. The fragrances of the
flowers and fruits are the sweetness of your
smiles but you remain hidden as the invisible
force of eternal love. Oh, Master gardener of
this creation,
I am charmed and elated at the way you take
care of your garden of dreams.

How generous of You to beam waves of
sweetness at me from Your kind heart, my
beloved! I absorb them all in quick gulps but
still I remain unsatisfied. O my love would
You please bring me your kubera, the
secret vault, where you store your infinite love
and allow me to sip from it for eternity. Will
you do so, my dear One, my lord!

The sweetness in me longs to unite with the
sweetness in you, my love, my lord.ę
If it is the same sweetness in infinite measure,
then let me dissolve in thy infinite being and
quench my age-old thirst for union with thee,
my sweet one.
Open your arms, my love and pull me into
your boundless embrace and let me bathe
eternally in the sweetness of Your infinite bliss.

I am continuously feeling the fragrance of
your benevolent presence and find your
invisible presence comforting. I am honored to
have discovered you after many eons of
my most affectionate and beloved One.
I am yours forever and let me remain at Thy
command, birth after birth, in this or any other
world of Thy sweet choice.

The waters from the oceans have flooded
the land and all life forms have disappeared
overnight. I wonder, who moves these waters
in such a dispassionate way?
The earth-shaking-quake has hit the land-
surface, destroying the sky kissing buildings of
human ingenuity. I wonder, what power
controls its movements?
Imagine a world without love and hate,
without attractions and repulsions, without
happiness and sorrow, without sweetness and
bitterness, without want and renunciation. It
would be a drab world indeed.
O Master Architect of this Infinite Universe,
how ingenious of You to weave the pattern
and colors in such infinite ways allowing you
to hide behind the multitude of dualities.
I have today understood Your game and will
remain unassailed by your powerful tricks to
keep me away from You. O my dearest
One, will there ever be an end to your liila,
your divine sport? O my Lord, let my mind
live not in the illusions of your apparent
worldly reality. ArenĶt you the one who
moves the wind and the water, the sun and the
stars, the Known and the Unknown.
How much longer will you remain hidden from
me, my love! How much longer will you
remain hidden from me?

I was sitting on the kingly throne passing
judgements on my subjects. Wrong-doers were
sent to the gallows and marked as touch-me-
not, vanquished forever. Everyone looked
scornfully at them. The victors were
rewarded with the pride of being good-
When I entered Your door, I found both the
vanquished and the victors sitting on your
affectionate lap as your beloved children. I
I wonder if I had erred in my judgements and
whether I had the love, wisdom, and
compassion to make the correct distinction
between right and the wrong; between good
and bad; between appropriate and
inappropriate actions.

Let us be grateful for both the pain and
the pleasures, for the joys and the sufferings.
They are an integral part of our growth and
they can bring us closer and closer to the
Ultimate Truth. The storms come raging in
our minds from time to time but we must learn
to wait patiently in those moments. No storm
is permanent; all must pass sooner or later.
Is this your way to bring us to the sanctum of
Truth, my Master?

What is holding me away from You, my
Lord? I want neither the worldly pleasures nor
the pride of name and fame. I am not
fascinated by the illusions of the joy of doer-
ship nor am I charmed by the longing for
supra-occult powers. O my eternal friend, may
I remain by your side and be at thy beck and
call, fulfilling your wishes, day after day, life
after life?

The day of parting has come. The aspen
leaves have turned golden yellow and they
murmur with the joy of their love for you, my
dear. They know that very soon, they are to
leave your beautiful forest-garden and depart
forever on their onward journey into the
Unknown. Yet for all times to come,
the seed-spark of their love will continue to
manifest in all their incarnations until it finds its
fruition in its return to Thee, the Primordial
reservoir of Love and Bliss.

I have cried for you, day and night and
you have been kind to bless me with tears of
consolation. I wonder what I would do when
the source of tears dries up in me. Will you
still come and offer your consolation to my
love without tears. How would you wipe
away my tearless pangs of separation from
you, my Lord, my Master?

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