Little tattered little worn
Been some time since I was born
Wings are perfect honestly
Perfection in longevity

I've been around the block alot
But their ain't nuttin I forgot
Need me holler nice and loud
Know I'm old but I'm not proud

Little snow may be on top
Love to tie it in a knot
Wings are steady that's for sure
Landing never is a bore

Little wider 'round the waist
Wings are still my saving grace
Tell me what it is you need
I promise you I'll pick up speed

Hop down from the cloud above
Believe me you will feel my love
I'll hug you till you scream let go
That's what Granny's do ya know

Excuse me now I have to run
Granny's work is never done
Sending love to all below
Gotta go find my halo.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
?used with permission
Read more of her poetry



Part Five...God's work continues...
Bringing Maya home for good....
Singing at the transplant
And sharing the other grand-children

Maya is home now and she is playing without any outstanding
mental defects. Of course she is totally deaf, but that is such
a small thing to us. She is such a loving child.
Her mother has meet a man named Andre, that
loves Maya as his own and are now married and
Maya has a baby brother, JT, (James Thomas).
Her husband has been saved and baptized prior
to the marriage and I am very proud to call him
my son. God worked another miracle there as he
was the first black member of our church. I have
asked God why don't he use another family, but hey
then we wouldn?t experience the miracles of God
like we have. It does take valleys to get there.
For without the valleys, the mountaintops don't
seem so high.

Last year, 2001, Maya was a candidate for cochlear
implants. Below is the original email that I shared
with family and friends:
I could never find words better than the "fresh"
words God gave me then:
What a day it is in the Lord! All praise to Him!
The God of Holiness has performed a miracle
again before our eyes. Maya has heard her
first sounds. My prayer this morning is that I
hope all of you can just read this and imagine
what I have seen. There are no words to
describe it although to give ALL GLORY
TO OUR LORD I will try. Let us pray, "Lord
give me the words to use this wonder that
You have allowed me to behold with the
sight that You have given to me to use Your
miraculous work to touch someone's heart
and life today. Amen.

Crystal, Andre, Glen, my husband, (Yes that was another healing, our marriage) both our
grandchildren and myself arrived at the
University Hospital in Charleston SC,
at 8:30am on Monday the 23rd day of April
2001 to see a miracle occur before our very
eyes. It was without a doubt true work of the
Lord's hand. Maya was first checked for
infection from the surgery 3 weeks prior
placing an implant on the left side of her head.
(Just under the skin and running leaders to her brain)
She was infection free, Praise God! We then moved
into the small room where God was already present
and He was felt there immediately.
(That my friends is the power of all the
prayers that was going up).
The doctor asked if one of us could just
play some games with Maya and focus her
on the toys on the table. My daughter
responded in saying "Grandma is best at
that," and oh what a joy in my heart I felt.
We, Maya and I, were placed in the far
left-hand corner of the room at a child size
table with toys and the doctor at a computer
beside us.

The rest of the family was on the opposite
walls and of course, grandfather in charge
of the video camera. Everyone was now just
waiting in anticipation of what was fixing to
happen. Maya and I, started to play with the
toys and as we placed colors and shapes
together. Just the typical 3 year old things
and because of Maya being deaf, we had
always rewarded her good acts by clapping
motion and she would always clap her little
fragile hands together with us, yet, of course
never hearing the sounds that went with the

During our playtime the doctor was
programming sound into a small black box
sitting on a shelf in our corner a little above
the tables level. As the sound was transmitted
from the computer into Maya's implant, the box
would flash a couple of small lights and a toy
dinosaur would run in place. The first notice
of the dinosaur's movement Maya's eyes lit up
just as my heart did. She was in awe so to her
it must have been a new part of the game.
A very unknown new game! Then more and
more and newer and newer sound was being
sent to her brain and she would start to clap
at the sound instead of the fact that she had
placed the toys with the right color or shape.
Of course, I could not hear what she was
hearing but I could feel something
wonderfully new to me as the sound
was to Maya! She began to place her little
hands on her mouth covering her big smile
and I was holding the big tears that were
flowing on the inside so not to scare her.
(I, with God's Grace only did well with that
until it was over and I have shed many tears
since then?. tears of joy and gratefulness
to Our Father, of course)

Now it was time for our next long awaited
step. Time to replace the sound coming from
the box with sound coming from the room.
Medical terms, known at "speak sound.
" Ok, now is the hard part grandmother?can
you still save those tears if she hears us?
Pray harder, my soul was telling me?. And
boy did I. the doctor turned behind her
facing the rest of the party on the
opposite wall. She asked my daughter
if there was anything that she would
like to say to Maya as "her first words"
---Crystal could only let tears roll down
her face, and shake her head in a no
direction. Then as the doctor's eyes
trailed along the walls, Andre and Glen
had the same look and the same
trembling voices. Glen could no
longer even hold the camera for
he wanted to see this in its fullness.
So I knew what I had been praying
for and dreaming of for so long as
then I spoke up after what seemed
forever, with a trembling voice, and
said, "well I do?If I may." The doctor
just smiled and typed some words on
the keyboard and said, "she can hear
you now"?and turned a knob on the
little box, attached to Maya much like
a pager attached to Maya with a small
backpack. I looked in my granddaughter's
eyes and saw angels around her and
started to sing?"Jesus loves you this I
know?and at that point she ran to me
and jumped in my lap as it seem to be
overwhelming to her and I held her and
continued the song?because the Bible
tells us so. Little ones to Him belong?.
They are weak but His is so strong?
Thank you Lord Jesus.

This was created by a precious friend of mine
Please Click To Visit Her Site




[ PART FIVE (you are here) ] [ PART SIX ]






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