Dunland: stories

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Dark times in Dunland

My first attempt at a story set in Dunland was written for the Stilted Pony board in autumn 2000, as part of a larger epic tale. The story stands well alone (or at least I think so!), so I have reproduced it here, with the permission of my co-author Greg (Grimbold).

The Tale of Ailvinn and Deorain

This tale was written for That Other Dunland (Elendor), but I never quite got round to ‘teuchterizing’ it ; ) Folk tales don't need to be fixed in time or place, so it fits just as well in my own Dunland – just substitute ‘the southern glens’ for ‘the mountain glens of Redvyrne County’. It's based on fragments from an Icelandic folk tale that I heard on holiday.
[Added 27 July 2001]