Shiner Sanderson

Full Name: Caleb Sanderson, but most people know me as Shiner.
Age: Twenty. Birthday's June 18 if that helps any.
Appearance: It's kinda obvious where I got tha nickname. *points to the fading bruise around one of his blue eyes, partially hidden by a pair of eyeglasses* It's not as bad as it looks, honest. They jist look worse since I'm so pale. *slightly embarrassed* Haven’t gotten nearly as many since they made me get glasses. Got dark brown hair. Height? 'Bout 5'10" I guess.
Background: Well, started selling here in Harlem about seven years ago, not too long before Verity and Hustler came here. I try not ta remember too much what happened before then. Not much fun to remember.
Relationships: *looks at the floor, turning red* Well... There's this girl... Phoenix Calia.... We're... yeah. *glances up again* Ver's practic'ly my best friend. And so's Hustler, Memphis, Greaser, Sticks, and Sham. Most of the guys, really. *shrugs* Kinda hafta be when you live with them day in, day out.
Other notes: Ah, not much else to say. Play a little poker, gamble a little. Don't drink or smoke, though. Nasty habits.


Copyright © 2000-2002 Rachel Hullett. This page last updated Monday, March 25th, 2002 at 4:23 pm CST. Please contact with any corrections or problems. Thank you.