Verity Fowler

Full Name: Verity Faith Fowler, but the girls all call me Ver for short.
Age: A day older than Andrew. Well, only by six minutes. I was born just before midnight September 23, and he was born just after, the year 1882.
Appearance: Average height, medium brown hair, hazel eyes that supposedly change color (I've never seen them change), a few freckles across my nose, kind of plain. Noah says I’m beautiful, but he’s biased.
Background: I lived in Rainbow, New Jersey until 1897. Mama was doing poorly, and Andrew, dear brother that he is, got the brilliant idea to move here and work. Who ended up going along to "look after him"? Me. Aren't I lucky? Rebecca, our little sister, is still at home. We get to visit occasionally, but not often enough.
Relationships: Noah Kingston and I are engaged to be married August 31, and have been since Christmas. He and Andrew are sharing an apartment down on Orchard Street. As for friends, Caleb (Shiner) is one of my best friends. There's also Greaser, Mess, Sham, and Sticks. The other boys, too, but those are just the ones I know the best.

Out of the girls? Don’t ask me that now, I’m trying to choose bridesmaids! Ash and Ruby aren't staying here any more, but we're still fairly good friends. Without Ruby I wouldn't have met Noah. Let's see.. Fingers is a good friend too, despite her gruffness. It's quite funny when that happens, and Imp, my bunkmate, always manages to make me smile. And Skies and Flash. I've known them from the beginning. Goodness, that seems ages ago…

Other notes: I work at a bookstore, Literary Pursuits, up near St. Nicholas Park. Mr. Latham, the owner, is really nice. The others tease me about ever getting any work done being surrounded by so many books all day. I couldn’t imagine anywhere else I’d rather work, unless it was a bookstore of my own.


Copyright © 1999-2001 Rachel Hullett. This page last updated Monday, March 25th, 2002 at 4:12 pm CST. Please contact with any corrections or problems. Thank you.