News on movies

Director Chris Columbus (Mrs. Doubtfire, Bicentennial Man) has made the 1997 book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone into a movie under both its US-title Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone and its original title. There are 2 versions. In the US-version the words Sorceror's Stone are used. The screenplay is by Steve Kloves.

Below are some comments on the production. If you want to see the list of changes in the process from book to movies (I tried not to list spoilers, but if you are worried about it, don't read the list) you can find it here for part 1 and here for part 2.

Released by Warner Bros. So far they have obtained the rights to the 4 published books, but they intend to release 7 movies, each covering one volume of the series.

World premiere: November 4, 2001
U.K./U.S. release on November 16, 2001
Mainland Europe release on November 22, 2001

British casting agent Karen Lindsay Stewart has been trying hard to find unknown children actors to play the parts of Harry, Ron and Hermione. They had to be British, there isn't anyone in the movie who is not. Karen is known for her work for the family movies "Matilda" and "The Secret Garden" (the latter one also by Warner Bros).

The Cathedral of Gloucester served for sceneries at Hogwarts School of Wizardry


Out of 250+ votes, 75% (192) thought the movie would be great, 30% (12) thought it would be fine, 12% (31) thought it would be disappointing en 2% (4) thought it would be really bad.

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