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Greetings From South Carolina

This is a labor of love by a veteran professional journalist with 36 years experience across the Carolinas in both newspaper and radio - from the mountains to the capital to the coast. You now have free access to more than 80 tailor-made pages of valuable news, information and inspiration from all over the world, as well as right at home in our state and community.

Our News Pages

Front - This page is updated as events dictate all around the clock including top news from around the world and South Carolina, highlights from our latest features, today's poll and a news photo.

International - From, we provide top stories from World, U.S, and science and technology. This page updates automatically once daily.

Carolina Page - This page is manually updated at least once daily and includes links to top stories from all the major newspapers across South Carolina.

Local/Pee Dee - News from our immediate local area including Florence, Williamsburg and Georgetown counties is updated manually here as events dictate. There are also links to local government and education sites.

Business - This page has an automated update of global market news, including a stock ticker. We also offer weekly access to updated e-commerce feature articles.

Sports - This page updates 24/7 with the latest top sports headlines, as well as live game tickers for the Atlanta Braves, Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Hornets, and Carolina Hurricanes (in season).

Features & Entertainment - This is a full listing of all the featured columnists and latest articles we are hosting, most updating once a week. Currently about two dozen separate articles on a variety of topics are provided. We also offer headlines on the latest entertainment news.

7-day Archives - All Carolina news shown on our Front, Local and Carolina pages is archived here for one week by day of the week.

Local Archives - Previous news briefs and articles from our Local/Pee Dee area are stored here, generally arranged by date. This site also includes a message board.

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Our Corporate Sites

HartKeeper Enterprises - We do more than news - we also host businesses and e-commerce on our site. A full listing of our businesses is provided here.

Web Site Design - This is a full description of our web site design services, including an e-mail link to contact us for more information.

HartGifts Shoppe - For elegant gifts, we have everything from flowers to watches and fine jewelry.

NewsMoose Shopper - This is our complete resource for educational materials, textbooks, games and more for children, parents and teachers.

Cognigen.Com - From long distance, calling cards, cell-phones, home security, satellite dishes and more, this is a complete communications center for competitive priced items to help you in the modern world from work or home.

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A Final Note: We Do Care!

If there is anything you would like to suggest, contribute, critique, discuss, comment, or just want to compliment or learn more about this website, please feel free to e-mail me at I also offer a newsletter with updates about what's going on with both The NewsMoose and HartKeeper. If you would like to be on the list, send me e-mail or "snail-mail" today! And be sure to visit us daily. Not only do the top headlines change, but this site is changing all the time as well! Come watch us grow.

Webmaster: HartKeeper
1107 Cockfield Road
Scranton, SC 29591 USA

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