Haakon Graf : - the norwegian pianist, multi-keyboardist,.composer & producer has made many heads shake, -and mostly not for negative reasons....coming from a familymix of germans and west-norwegians, where music took the major  space
in everyday life  and not even a TV was present, one could say music wasn't a performance or hobby, but a way of life.
Beeing seen as "talented" appeared strange, since playing was  the same as eating; -. who has  heard of a "talented eater"..?  ( well ok...)

To make this site as to the point as possible, activities and events are  written as they appeared in time, and hopefully make this resyme' understandable.

- list of recordings from 1973 uptil today: Ruphus, Hawk on Flight, Blow Out, Moose Loose, Earlier Grafitti Projects..etc. Filmscores TV-Jingles. Produce work & Songwiting etc
-fellow musicians & co-workers in the oast and today. Links to their sites, info etc.dennis chambers, gary grainger, ulf           wakenius, frank gambale, erik smith, frode berg,mike gallaher ....
-general biography & history, tours, festivals etc
current activities
-cooperation with yamaha music instruments & apple, - thoughts and info on sound, digital, analogue and acustic
-what's going on ? any new projects etc...electric band, acoustic trio, salsa-projects, producerwok, songwiting ..
cool links
-a collection of links that might be interresting & inspiring..
-this site has been build with PAGEBUILDER at www.oocities.org -design ideas & artwork by haakon graf gmp -for booking of GRAFITTI
hgraf@c2i.net - phone:+(47)22732390 mob:+(47)40860974 graf is sponsored by Yamaha Instruments & Apple .thanx to vidar,erik, andreas & tina, roar vestad for tuning me in to web-design, thanx to all my fellow musicians, friends and listeners, my three beaautiful kids!
email me at: hawkon2000@Yahoo.com
main page    bio      discography      fellow musicians      photos
These sites are beeing updated daily.
Photopage & details
regarding current
events etc will be
added, Thank You for your patience.
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