School of Physics

University of Hyderabad

The School of Physics has developed high quality teaching programmes at the M.Sc. and the M. Phil. levels with student-teacher ratio highly favourable for giving individual attention. The school has vigorous ongoing research programmes to train the Ph.D. scholars and has achieved national and international recognition in the areas of high energy physics, quantum optics & laser physics, condenced matter physics, solid state physics and material science. The areas of research include High Tc superconductivity, magnetism, phase transitions, glasses and ceramics, liquid crystals, thin films, ion-solid interactions, semiconductors & superlattices, NQR & NMR techniques, neural networks, quantum field theory, quantum computing, stochastic-quantization, modern quantum optics experiments and theory.

Further information about the research program can be obtained from the Dean of the school.
Please see the contact details by clicking the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.

The school has been selected by the UGC to strengthen its teaching and research programmes through the Special Assistance Programme. The School invites eminent scientists & academicians regularly for conducting seminars on relevent topics. It also conducts symposiums on many active research areas.




The School offers M.Sc.(Physics), M.Sc.(Tech) Electronics, M.Phil.(Physics), M.Tech in Computational Techniques, Ph.D. in Physics, and in Electronic Science.


This programme covers four semesters. The first three semesters cover the fundamentals of the subject. The courses taken by all the students include Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics (2), Mathematical Methods (2), Nuclear Physics, Introductory Particle Physics, Laser Physics, Computer Applications, Electronics, Special Relativity & Electromagnetism, Electrodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Solid State Physics. Besides this the course covers laboratory courses in Electronics, Solid State, Digital Electronics, Lasers, Microwave, Modern Physics and Nuclear Physics. There is a strong emphasis on problem solving and learning of experimental techniques.

During the fourth semester students may opt for one of the following specializations:

  • Particle Physics and Field Theory,
  • Solid State Physics,
  • Laser Physics and Modern Optics
In addition, a student can opt for a course of 100 maximum marks among the current topics run in any inter-disciplinary subject/department of the University.

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M.Sc.(Tech) Electronics

This is a six-semester course being offered for the first time, and is a sequel to the earlier four semester course leading to M.Sc.(Electronics). There will be formal course work for the first five semesters, and the last semester is reserved for the project work. Basic course work in Physics in this programme is common with those in M.Sc.(Physics). And other courses specialising in Electronics include network analysis, semiconductor devices, digital electronics, microwave devices & engineering, integrated circuits, industrial electronics & instrumentation, microprocessors, quantum & opto-electronics, fiber optics, modern communication techniques, very large scale integration(VLSI), control systems and digital signal processing techniques. Besides this a number of optional courses like remote sensing methods, nano-structure devices etc are offered.

The project work may be taken anywhere in the country. It is expected that the students of this programme will be able to find reasonable opportunities in industry and R&D institutions in the area of Electronics.

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M. Phil. (Physics)

It is a two semester programme involving course in Physics and seminars in the first semester, and research work and writing of dissertion in the second semester.

M.Tech in Computational Techniques:

This programme is being offered with the participation of the Department of Computer/Information Sciences of the University.

This is a three semester programme open to students with Masters Degree in Physics or in related areas. The objective of this programme is to train physicists in modern areas of computational techniques suitable for solving physics problems using simulation methods.

The first two semesters involve formal instruction, while the third semester is devoted to the project work. The subjects covered include Numerical Techniques, Advanced Mathematical Methods, Computer Organisation, Data Structures and Algorithms, Programming Methodology and Monte Carlo Methods & Molecular Dynamics. The second semester offers four electives to be chosen from : Evolutionary Computing(Neural Networks), Disorder, Wavelet Transforms, Cellular Automata, Direct Discrete Methods, File Structures, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Speech Recognition, Algorithmics and Computer Graphics.

The project work in the final semester may be carried out in School of Physics or Department of Computer/Information Sciences or other recognized R & D centers in Hyderabad.

Further details about M.Tech(Computational Techniques) programme can be obtained from the Dean of School of Physics. He can be contacted at

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Ph.D. (Physics)

Admission to Ph.D. programme is open to both M.Sc. and M.Phil. students. This is a research programme with students undertaking research under the supervision of a faculty member, on a topic approved by the School. The student is required to show satisfactory progress throughout the period of research as well as fulfill other requirements prescribed by the School. The Ph.D. requirements include submission of research results in the form of a thesis and defence of the thesis in a viva voce examination.

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Materials preparation and characterisation facilities, including the crystal growth equipment, high vacuum coating machine, RF sputtering units, arc-melting furnace and RF induction furnace, temperature controlled ovens, electronic equipment for measurement of electrical and thermal trasport properties, NMR spin echo equipment, pulsed NQR spectrometer, closed cycle helium refrigerator are some of the facilities available.

Laser spectroscopy using pulsed Nd-YAG, high power helium-neon and nitrogen lasers and dye laser facilities for ESR,NMR, Mossbauer and laser Raman spectroscopy are also available.


The school has two mini computers, MicroVAX II and Horizon III and about 50 PCs. A number of PCs are networked through LAN with the computer center so that internet and E-mail facilities are directly accesible from laboratories and faculty offices. the school receives external support from UGC, CSIR, DST, DAE and DOE for research work.

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Abbrevations :- The letters "E" & "T" at the end of the each faculty information stand for "Experimental" & "Theoretical", respectively.


  • K. N. Shrivastava :
  • Ph.D.(IIT-Kanpur), D.Sc.(Calcutta), F.I.C.C., F.I. Inst. P.(UK), C. Phys., F.N.A.Sc.(India), F.U.S.I.- Condenced Matter Physics (T)
  • V. Srinivasan :
  • Ph.D.(Wisconsin) - Quantum Field Theory, Particle Physics, Many Body Theory, Non-equilibrium Phenomena(T)
  • A. P. Pathak :
  • Ph.D.(IIT-Kanpur), F.Inst.P.(London), C.Phys.- Atomic Collisions in Solids, Radiation Damage, Surface Physics, Superlattices(T)
  • S. N. Kaul :
  • D.I.I.T., Ph.D.(IIT-Khragpur), C. Phys., F. Inst. P(London) - Condenced Matter Physics, Phase Transitions, Amorphous Magnetism, Critical and Re-Entrant Phenomenon (E) (Dean of the School)
  • V. S. S. Sastry :
  • Ph.D.(IISc) - Condenced Matter Physics, Magnetic Resonance (E)
  • A. K. Kapoor :
  • Ph.D.(IIT-Kanpur) - Elementary particles, Quantum Field Theory, Path Integrals(T)
  • Vipin Srivastava :
  • Ph.D.(Roorkee) - Condenced Matter Physics(T), Neural Networks, Brain Function Modelling(T)
  • C. Bansal :
  • Ph.D.(TIFR, Bombay) - Condenced Matter Physics(E)
  • S. P. Tewari :
  • Ph.D.(Delhi) - Quantum Optics, Nonlinear Optics(T)
  • S. Chaturvedi :
  • Ph.D.(Waikato, N.Z.), F.A.Sc. - Quantum Field Theory, Stochastic Processes, Non-equilibrium Phenomena (T)
  • C. S. Sunandana :
  • Ph.D.(IIT-Madras) - Condenced Matter Physics (E)
  • Rajender Singh :
  • Ph.D.(Delhi) - Condenced Matter Physics (Ultrasonics, Superconductivity and Magnetism) (E)
  • S. Dutta Gupta :
  • Ph.D.(Moscow)- Nonlinear Optics(T)
  • D. Narayna Rao :
  • Ph.D.(IIT-Kanpur) - Non-Linear Laser Spectroscopy (E)
  • V. Seshubai :
  • Ph.D.(IIT-Madras) - Condenced Matter Physics (Magnetism and Superconductivity)(E)
  • K. Venu :
  • Ph.D.(Hyderabad) - Condenced Matter Physics, Magnetic Resonance (E)


  • Bindu A. Bambah :
  • Ph.D.(Chicago) - Particle Physics, Non-linear Dynamics (T)
  • Ashok Chattergee :
  • Ph.D.(Jadavpur) - Condenced Matter Physics (T)
  • M. Siva Kumar :
  • Ph.D.(Madras) - Quantum Field Theory (T)
  • G. Rajaram :
  • Ph.D.(TIFR, Bombay) - Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Condenced Matter Physics, Magnetism and Superconductivity (E)
  • P. Ananta Lakshmi :
  • Ph.D.(Hyderabad) - Quantum Optics (T)


  • P. K. Panigrahi :
  • Ph.D.(Rochester) - Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics (T)
  • K. C. James Raju :
  • Ph.D.(IIT-Madras) - Microwave Materials and Solid State Physics (E)
  • P. K. Suresh :
  • Ph.D.(Cochin) - Cosmology (T)


  • T. S. N. Somayaji
  • Ph.D.(Andhra Univ). Atmospheric Physics and Electronics (E & T)
  • M. B. Srinivas
  • Ph.D.(IISc). Applied Dielectrics, Semiconductor Device Modelling, Large Scale Applications of Superconductivity.
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