Copyright © 1996-2001 C.O.E.S. - Italy Home page Home page A greeting

Centro Orientamento Emigrati Siciliani
Orientation Center for Sicilian Emigrants

is an association of:

  • voluntary service
  • social Christian inspiration
  • without the sake of gain


works for over thirty years for the human, social, cultural and professional promotion of Emigrants, Immigrants and their Families.


  • carries out plans and organizes some meetings as regards emigration and immigration problem.
  • suggests some provisions and enterprises to the Institutional Organs for the protection and the support of the migrants.
  • organizes demonstrations to reinforce the original cultural values of the migrants.
  • organizes learning travels and stays in colonies and campings for Emigrants' sons and organizes tours in Sicily of grown-up people emigrants.
  • develops an action of information about the emigration problem through a periodic newspaper, called "Siciliani nel Mondo" (Sicilian people in the world).
  • organizes courses of languages, general culture, qualification and professional adjournment.
  • puts in practice a service of social and legal assistance for the access to the regional and national laws.

C.O.E.S. works:

in Sicily, through

  • the Regional Seat
  • the Provincial Delegations
  • the Municipal Delegations

in the other Italian Regions, through

  • the Regional Delegations
  • the Municipal Delegations
  • the sticking Associations

abroad, through

  • Delegations in places where there are sicilian people
  • the sticking Associations

in the Institutional Organs:

  • the Regional Consulta of Emigration and Immigration
  • the Municipal Committees of Emigration and Immigration
  • the COM.IT.ES.

Copyright © 1996-2001 C.O.E.S. - Italy Home page Home page Start A greeting