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Archie Comics, And Beyond!
The History Of Archie Comics

    The year was 1939, the month: November. A new company was founded by Maurice Coyne, Louis Silberkleit and and John Goldwater: MLJ Magazines. Their first title was Blue Ribbon Comics. One month later, Top Notch Comics was introduced to the public. In January, 1940. Until then, the only types of comic book characters were either super heroes fighting off Axis forces, or little furry animals placed in the the comics with an intention to amuse the reader.
    Then, John L. Goldwater, had a stroke of genius. He was inspired by the popular Andy Hardy movies of that era which starred Mickey Rooney. He wanted to create a normal person, a person to whom readers could relate. With much encouragement from his two partners, he created "America's newest boyfriend." Utilizing the talents of writer Vic Bloom and artist Bob Montana, MLJ Magazines published Goldwater's genius idea in issue #22 of Pep Comics, in December, 1941.
      Archie Andrews, clumsy, funny, timeless Archie Andrews. Often refered to as the all American teenager, Archie Andrews has made his mark.

(To be continued. . .)

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