

Peg's Home Page

This is basically a map of my entire home page. Click on a picture in the box to take you to a specific place.

                  Peg's Home Page - This is a page
to find out a little more about me.
                      Peg's Craft Page - This is a
page to find out about my favorite
Crafts...mainly plastic canvas.
Peg's Photo Pages - Here is a
collection of my pictures in 4
different "albums". Choose from
Photo1* Photo2* Photo3* Photo4*
                    Peg's Christian Page -
Here you will find several links to different
Christian pages including the online Bible.
         My friends and family -
A page full of links of my friends
and my familys home pages.
                Marcus' Home Page -
This is my son's homepage.
We try to keep it up to date.
                Peg's Awana Page -
Want to learn a little more about the Awana
Program? If so, click here and see what our club
is doing this year!
                Plastic Canvas Leaflet Page -
This is a page that links you to a site where you can
choose from several different companies leaflets to
look at by number and title. These leaflets are not for
sale, they are to be used as a check off sheet.
                Peg's Fun Page -
This is a page that has links to e-cards
and e-greetings.
My Awards Page -
This is a page of all of the awards my site
has won and all of the awards from contests
that I have won.
                Peg's Homework Page -
This is a page that was required for my online
classes at Heartland University.
click here for a free plastic canvas
Peg's Beginning Page -
This is my front page that has a picture of my
flowers from my flower gardens.
go here for a second free plastic canvas
Peg's Paint Shop Pro Page -
This is a page that was required for my online
classes at Heartland University.
Jeremy's Page -
This is a page that was done for my second son.
click here for a free plastic canvas pattern
visit my rubberstamping page


wishing well clock

King Family Web Ring

This King Family Web Ring site is owned by
~P. Goodwin~

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Check back often, for as you can see, my page is constantly changing!! .....
To find out a little more about me and to see the various links that I have, just click on a link in the table... check it out.

Glad to have you stop by for a visit, come back often to see my place, and leave some mail to let me know if you enjoyed your visit!!

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