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October 2008

Uruguay's Carnival
the annual national festival of the nation!

Carnaval in Montevideo Uruguay

The Uruguayan Carnival is the longest Carnival in the world with celebrations lasting an entire month, and is considered the annual national festival of the nation. While the Carnaval extends to the entire country with important events in several cities of the interior, the main activities are made in the capital of Montevideo.

Uruguay attaches a lot of importance to carnival and the origins are European and African. During carnival in the times of the Spanish colony, African slaves covered themselves with robes of vivid colors and walked through the streets toward the city walls of Montevideo, where they were allowed to sing and dance. The “Candombe” is derived from African rhythms performed by the Negro slaves of the colony.


Candombe is the afro-black influence that is the star of Montevideo Carnaval as it salutes the African origins, the trials of the enslaved black during the colonial time and the great capacity for renewal through the Carnaval arts. Candombé is a drum-based musical form of Uruguay. Candombé originated among the Afro-Uruguayan population of Montevideo and is based on Bantu African drumming with some European influence and touches of Tango. Click "play" to hear how the Candombe sounds:

"Desfile de las Llamadas" is a big united parade on Montevideo's Avenida 18 de Julio:


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