13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


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Caring Kids Nominations for 2009

A Golden Paw is awarded here to kids that have worked or raised money to help shelter animals. If you wish to nominate an individual or group, email us with your nomination.

St. Bernadine's School
A Golden Paw is awarded to the students at St. Bernadine's School in Orland Park.  They raised $167.00 and brought in lots of supplies. 
nominated 10/9/09 by Janine Carter

Berat, Breanna, Banu, Deniz, Izabella and Alex
A Golden Paw is awarded to these kids who held a bake sale and collected cans to turn into cash for the critters: Berat, Breanna, Banu, Deniz, Izabella and Alex worked together and raised $118.55!
nominated 9/30/09 by Janine Carter

Shannon Mulcahy and Emily Sanchez
A Golden Paw goes out to Shannon Mulcahy and Emily Sanchez for raising money for TLC with their lemonade stand.
nominated 9/19/09 by Janine Carter

Marissa Schmidt, John and Kayla Kalcstis
Here is a Golden Paw Award for Marissa Schmidt with the help of her friends John and Kayla Kalcstis.  They sold lemonade and collected donations totaling $115.75!  Some nice kids for sure!
nominated 9/9/09 by Janine Carter

Riley Husted, Nick Husted and Olivia Jones
Riley, Nick & Olivia set up a lemonade stand this year and raised over $30.00 for TLC.  They were very excited about being able to help the animals. Golden Paws are awarded to these great kids!
nominated 9/3/09 by Julie Husted

Swallow Ridge Kids
On Friday, August 14th, several Orland Park children joined together to raise money for their favorite animal charities.  The children made and sold various items such as kennel blankets, dog ropes, dog treats and friendship bracelets.  They also sold lemonade and baked treats.  Together they raised $280 for local animal shelters.  Donations were made to TLC Animal Shelter -Homer Glen, PAWS - Tinley Park and Best Friends.  Thanks to everyone who participated.  
Pictured (L to R: Austin Wojtczak, Jake Rost, Elise Calzaretta, Aaron Gaspardo, Patrick Downes, Ben Kenagy, Mitchell Thompson, John Calzaretta, Kyle Kenagy, Sam Rost).  Not pictured are Carrie Fuesel, Taylor Calzaretta and Katie Herman.
nominated 9/2/09 by Susan Kenagy

Lisa Snyder
Lisa, age 6 1/2, saved her allowance, and donated $21.00 to help the animals. Lisa deserves a Golden Paw for her generosity.
nominated 8/27/09 by Janine Carter

Jennifer Perdue, Jessica Eirers, and Angelina Cachey
These girls donated $14.65 from a lemonade stand they held to help the TLC Animals. Jennifer, Jessica and Angelina are awarded Golden Paws.
nominated 8/19/09 by Janine Carter

Bridget Starkman
Instead of birthday presents, 10 year old Bridget asked for donations to the shelter. She brought in $190.00, plus food and supplies. Bridget deserves a Golden Paw.
nominated 7/30/09 by Janine Carter

Troop #683 Brownie Scouts
Here is a Golden Paw Award for Troop #683 Brownie Scouts, they collected extra money each week from their dues to give to TLC. The total they collected was $53.80.
nominated 7/22/09 by Janine Carter

Kyle and Ben Kenagy
Kyle and Ben held a car wash for TLC and raised $60.00! Golden Paws are awarded to these great kids!
nominated 6/18/09 by Janine Carter

Jasmine Randys
Jasmine deserves a Golden Paw for raising $62.08 for TLC by selling lemonade.
nominated 6/14/09 by Janine Carter

Shepherd of the Hill Confirmation Class
Students in the 6th and 8th grade confirmation class at Shepherd of the Hill in Lockport have earned Golden Paws. They donated food and supplies for the animals at TLC.
nominated 6/14/09 by Janine Carter

Nelson Ridge School Just Say No Club
The kids at Nelson Ridge School made these cute bags filled with treats for the dogs at the Shelter. Golden Paws are awarded to all these caring kids.
nominated 6/13/09 by Janine Carter

Katherine Fennessey, Talia Roti, Breanna Roti, Julia Hewitt, Giada Roti and Tessa Troike
These girls raised more than $160 selling lemonade, cotton candy, popcorn and bracelets at their stand, Strings & Beads. Thanks for thinking of the animals!
nominated 6/13/09 by Janine Carter

Brownie Troop 313
Golden Paws are awarded to Brownie Troop 313 from Schilling School for the paper towels, food, treats and stamps they donated to help the shelter.
nominated 6/4/09 by Janine Carter

Queen of Martyrs School
The students at Queen of Martyrs School in Chicago chose TLC to donate $286.00 to be used towards heated cages for the isolation room.  They called it a "Pennies for Pooches" drive and put collection canisters all over the school which were decorated with faces of animals for adoption.
nominated 6/4/09 by Janine Carter

SS. Cyril & Methodius School
Golden Paws are awarded to the students at SS. Cyril & Methodius School in Lemont for raising $550.00 for the shelter.
nominated 6/4/09 by Janine Carter

Centennial School
Golden Paws are awarded to the students from K through 3rd grade at Centennial School in Orland Park. They raised $830.00 and want to be a patron sponsor to TLC.
nominated 5/23/09 by Janine Carter

Old Quarry Middle School
The entire school spent 2 weeks collecting items & monetary donations for the dogs & cats. Golden Paws for all.
nominated 5/23/09 by Janine Carter

Girl Scouts of Trailways Council Troop 589
These great kids deserve Golden Paws. They raised $80 for the shelter animals, and every penny will be put to good use.
nominated 5/7/09 by Janine Carter

Rachel & Erin Ward
Rachel raised money & Erin made a blanket for the animals. Golden Paws are awarded to these wonderful sisters.
nominated 5/2/09 by Janine Carter

Addy Kolsto
Addy (8 years old) collected various supplies from her neighbors to help the shelter animals. Addy has earned a Golden Paw.
nominated 5/2/09 by Janine Carter

Scout Troop 439
Golden Paws for the great kids in this troop :)
nominated 4/24/09 by Janine Carter

Girl Scout Troop 141 Lockport
To earn their Bronze Award the girls held a Father Daughter Dance where those that attended dressed like Rock Stars. To get into the dance they had to donate items for the shelter.
nominated 4/24/09 by Janine Carter

Shepherd of the Hill Preschool
The students at Shepherd of the Hill Preschool in Lockport held a penny drive and raised $166.80.  There were 46 students involved.

nominated 4/17/09 by Janine Carter

Kevin Massimilian
It was Kevin's 14th birthday, and instead of presents he asked for donations to TLC. Kevin brought in $545 plus food & toys. Wow! Kevin has earned a Golden Paw.
nominated 3/21/09 by Janine Carter

Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and NW Indiana Troop #613
Golden Paws are awarded to all these girl scouts. They brought in a monetary donation of $300 which will help pay for medicines, vaccines, and other expenses.
nominated 3/21/09 by Janine Carter

Vince & Anthony Noska
Vince(8) & Anthony(7) asked that instead of birthday presents, their friends & family donate food, towels, treats, & money to the shelter. Golden Paws are awarded to these great kids!
nominated 3/6/09 by Janine Carter

Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago & Northwest Indiana Troop #70010
These great girls have earned Golden Paws for donating money from their cookie sales to TLC.
nominated 3/6/09 by Janine Carter

Luke Selle
Luke asked that instead of presents, his friends & family donate food to the shelter. Thanks, Luke!
nominated 3/6/09 by Janine Carter

Marissa Schmidt and Kayla Kalcsits
These 8 year old girls donated money they earned to help the critters at TLC. They made cards, and calendars, and did special drawings to raise money for the animals. Golden Paws are awarded to Marissa & Kayla for their generosity.
nominated 3/6/09 by Janine Carter

Girl Scout Troop 513
A big thank you and Golden Paws to these girls for their efforts on behalf of the animals. They distributed flyers and then collected food, supplies and money for TLC.
nominated 2/20/09 by Janine Carter

Scout Troop 260
These wonderful scouts from Lemont collected food and supplies for the critters.� This effort was part of working towards their pets badge. They all deserve a Golden Paw!
nominated 2/20/09 by Janine Carter

Girl Scout Troop 611
Girl Scout Troop 611 from Lockport Christmas caroled to raise money for the animals, and on that joyful note their singing raised $45.00.
� nominated 1/28/09 by Janine Carter

Homer School District 33C
Golden Paws go out to all the generous kids in Homer School District 33C, for all the items they donated to the Shelter. nominated 1/9/09 by Janine Carter

Katie Ryan
Katie is up for another Golden Paw, this time for donating some of her own money. Thanks Katie :)
nominated 1/8/09 by Janine Carter

Junior Troop 101
The Junior Troop 101 of New Lenox deserves a Golden Paw for contributing $50.00 to TLC.�
nominated 1/2/09 by Janine Carter

Mary Kate Turek
Mary is awarded the first Golden Paw of 2009 for her monetary donation. Thanks for helping the animals get off to a good start this year, Mary.
nominated 1/1/09 by Janine Carter