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What is The Message?

True Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

Creation or Evolution

Christian Witnesses of the 20th Century


Say it With Poetry

Messages For Christians

Cults and Other Stuff. (Shaun's Site)

People We Work With

Get to Know Us

Interesting Links

We can help you

You can help us


How You Can Help

Our Web Site

We are looking for new material for this site but only suitable material  will do. If you have a life changing story of Jesus working in your life or a suitable message for Christians then send it for consideration and we may publish it.

You can help us make the message known by giving our web address to as many as you can.

Our Work

The work we are involved in is a faith venture. We are dependent on God for every aspect of our ministry to the World and to the Chruch. Therefore, we do have certain things you can pray about.

We need people to pray for:

  • The work we are doing and for the other people involved in it.
  • Boldness, liberty, compassion, wisdom, conviction, power and the knowledge of God's presence as we preach the gospel.
  • People to listen, be challenged and respond to the Message.
  • For more workers to come along side.
  • God to provide for all the needs that we have.
  • Protection both physically and spiritually.

We need people to come along side and be part of a team working in the open air. It is very difficult to be taken serioiusly when you are on your own, a crowd makes a big difference - a crowd draws a crowd. If you would be in a position to help on a long or short term basis please let us know.

You could also invite us to come and help at your church. We offer a range of services. Click here to see more on that.

Contact us by E-mail

We produce a newsletter every quater with news and specific things to pray about. We can e-mail this to you if you wish.

If you would like to help support this work and would like to know how, just ask.