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What is The Message?

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Creation or Evolution

Christian Witnesses of the 20th Century


Say it With Poetry

Messages For Christians

Cults and the false teaching.

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Get to Know Us

Our Task

I’m an evangelist working with Open Air Campaigners Ireland in Ireland. I'm married with one wife (that's enough isn't it) and two kids. It is our desire to tell people The Message publicly and encourage other believers to do the same. To do this so that the people of Ireland, Europe and the World can hear The Message and have the opportunity to respond to Jesus.

Our task has primarily been that of preaching The Message on the street with the use of a sketchboard. The idea is to attract a crowd and make an interesting and relevant presentation using visual aids. This has been most successful when working with a team. We have found this method of communicating the Message to be, by far, the most effective regardless of what some may say. We have also been engaged in training others to share The Message through seminars and personal discipleship. This work has brought us to the UK., Austria, Italy, Holland, The Ukraine and all over Ireland.


An open air meeting in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary


In the summer we take part in outreach to some of the summer festivals around the country. It gives a great opportunity to tell the large crowds of people, that attend these events, all about The Message. These events have proven to be a great opportunity for teams to be involved in public evangelism.

More people are needed to take part in this vital task.

If you would like to know how you can help or you would like to contact us then please e-mail us.


If you would like to help support this work and would like to know how, just ask.