H.V.F.D. Ladies Auxiliary

Vicky Montague, President

Tammy Miller, Vice President

Heather Axton, Secretary

Amy Singleton, Treasurer

The Ladies Auxiliary exists to provide support to the firefighters in any way possible. Some of the things the Ladies Auxiliary does is provide rehab on fire runs, plan activities for the families of the department to get together, and participate in fundraisers.

Fundraisers have included: selling potato salad and baked beans during the department's barbecue chicken fundraiser, having a rummage sale, "Candle in a Jar" fundraiser, selling drinks at Hancock County's July 4th event, and selling fruit turnovers.

Ladies' Auxiliary Prayer

The ladies wait, while Their men
respond, united as one in a common
bond. The bond of serving, each in their
own way, the needs that arise, be what
they may.

The reheated meals, the unsipped drink,
are a common occurrence, much more
then you think.

It's mostly routine and done without flair,
the men return, their ladies are there.

But then comes the call, the tough one to
fight, a working fire that may last through
the night.

The ladies again wait, but this time they
know, that sooner or later, they too will

As they wait for the signal, the time
draws near, for that sooner or later to be
suddenly here.

The men are all weary, some of them
spent, the refreshments that arrive are like
heaven sent.

The auxiliary, in fact, is more than a
name. So God when we pray for the
firemen's care, include the ladies, who
were also there.

~Author Unkown~

H.V.F.D. Roster
Activities & Fundraisers
Mission Statement
EMS Support
Ladies Auxiliary
Fire Safety

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