Our Wedding Day

My Beautiful Bride

My Wedding Vows to My Darling Bride

As long as I have waited,
As long as you have searched,
As long as the stars shall glow,
As long as the four winds blow,
As long as the sun shall shine,
As long as I can love,
You'll never walk alone.

I come here today, Josie, secure in the knowledge that you are my partner, the one with whom I will live and grow forever. I offer myself to you and you alone as your wedded mate, in the name of grateful, pure, and everlasting love. I promise to love, respect and honour you, sharing your plans and interests, ideals and emotions, through all the trials and tribulations of life, as well as the joyous times, caring for you in lifelong commitment.

The Groom
Josie's Vows to Me

I, Josie, take you, Ben to be my husband as my friend and my love.
On this day I affirm the relationship we have enjoyed, looking to the future to keep and strengthen it.
I will be yours in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in failure and in triumph.
I promise to love you and laugh with you, comfort and encourage you, be open with you and stay with you as long as we both shall live.

The Happy Couple
The Happy Couple
Our Wedding Day

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