Here are many of my favorite sites.
I hope they help make homeschooling a little easier for you!

I have done my best to check into each site before adding
it to my page, however, please use discernment and your
own judgement when checking these links. And if you find
something that you find offensive, please notify me! Thank
you and "Happy Surfing!"

Some great links for younger kids!

Some great links for older kids!

Some great links for moms and dads!

Christian Character Curriculum

Other Homeschool Families pages!

Misc. Homeschool Links

Our Home Our School
This is a wonderful site where Lynda Coats, Barbara Shelton
and others, share space. There is much more here also!

The Biology Project

Homeschool Classical Education

HSTUAC - Homeschool Train Up A Child

High School HomeSchooling Board

Homeschool Central

Homeschool World

The Homeschool Zone

Homeschooling with Diana Waring

Jim Muncy's "Thoughts on Homeschooling Page"
Great thought provoking articles.

John Holt: Growing Without Schooling

The Mining Co.

Online Lessons and Unit Studies!

    Hilltop Homeschool
    Lots and lots of GREAT free unit studies!

    Debi's Homepage
    Free Lesson plans and catalog for teachers and parents

    Homeschool E-Mail Discussion lists!

    The HSTUAC Page
    The web page for the Homeschool Train Up A Child lists. You
    can find more information here about the different lists available.
    My personal favorite!

    Blessed Is The Man List
    Based on Blessed is the Man curriculum for young men, but the
    scope is broader. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to In the body type this message: subscribe blessed-man.

    Listen My Son list
    A Christian curriculum for boys. To join, e-mail the author
    Linda Bullock at

    Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la List
    Hosted by Barbara Shelton, the author of the book with same
    name. To subscribe, send e-mail to In the body
    of the message put (exactly): subscribe shf-l.

    Alpha Omega List
    This list is for those homeschooling using Alpha Omega
    curriculum. To subscribe send e-mail to
    and put subscribe in the body of the message.

    Wisdom's Way of Learning List
    The purpose of this list is to discuss and support the ideas
    from Marilyn Howshall's book "Wisdom's Way of Learning" and her
    newsletter "Lifestyles of Learning". We want the focus to be
    encouragement, support and hope as we implement a God-led
    approach in educating our children! To subscribe send e-mail
    to and put subscribe wwol-list in the
    body of the message.

    Christians Home Educating Young Adults (C-HEYA)
    Covers junior and senior high ages. To subscribe,
    send e-mail to In the body of the message
    put (exactly): C-HEYA subscribe c-heya.

    FAR List.
    A list for those using the Far Above Rubies curriculum.
    E-mail for info on this list.

    Homeschooling Central list

    The following lists are not Christian lists.
    Prodigy Home Education list

    Home Education list