Colleen's Craft Room

Hi, I'm so glad you came to this room. It is one of my favorites.
I have been doing crafts of one kind or another, for most of my life.
At times I have worked as a professional crafter. Right now I have
set aside my professional crafting to put my energies
into my family for this season of my life.

For every thing there is a season, and a time
to every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

But I'm Just Not Crafty!

I know a lot of people think they are just not creative enough to
do crafts. Well, I say "HOOEY!" (Or something similar that means
nonsense). I really do believe that every single one of us has
the ability to be creative. Maybe we are not all supposed to be
Leonard Da Vinci. But we can all create at our own level. There
is something so exciting about taking raw materials and making
something beautiful, or fun with it.

Maybe your creativity flows through music, or writing, or drawing or painting,
or any number of other ways. That is wonderful! I believe that
we're all born with creativity within us, the secret is to keep
it alive as we grow up. After all, creativity comes from God,
our Creator, and we are made in His image. So, I believe the
time you take to cultivate your creativity honors God. But,
please don't try to compare yourself to others, everyone's
creativity is different, learn to enjoy and be thankful for
whatever form your creativity takes.

I hope that you will take, (or make) some time to explore
your creative side, whatever your interest may be.
And whatever you do choose to do, do it with all
your heart. Don't be discouraged if your first attempt
seems like a miserable failure, that only gives you something
drastic to look back on when you become
great at what you have chosen! lol!
And don't be afraid to try to find a class about whatever
your creative choice is! Check out adult schools, night
schools, senior citizen centers, community colleges,
craft stores. Go to a craft festival and find someone
selling something you would like to learn and talk to them.
Ask questions, find out if they know where you can take a class.
Also, you may find that you don't even like your first
choice, that's okay. Keep looking.
Why don't you try something new today!

Wondering why you should do arts and crafts with your kids?
Is it really important? Yes it is! To find out why check out this page:

Why Are Crafts Important For Kids?

Links to other sites on the Web

Michaels Craft Stores

Aleenes Craft pages
I LOVE their tacky glue!


Delta Crafts
Delta Ceramcoat paints are my favorite acrylic paints.

Donna's Day.
A great source of craft ideas for kids!

Hands On! Crafts For Kids.
Another great source of craft ideas for kids!

Martha Stewart Living

Projects for kids and families from the Crafts'n Things family.

Simple Butter Recipe
Simple project for kids.

You can use this table of contents to help you navigate this site.

About Me
Arts and Crafts Room
Family Room
The Kitchen
Our Classroom
ABC's of Salvation
Awards Page
Kevin's Page
EJ's Page

© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Colleen Cato

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