Water Gardening

Water Gardening can be fun and exciting, however, it can be a royal pain too.  The key to a successful water garden is:

1:  Filtration Systems 5:  "Critters" for your pond

2:  Goldfish and Koi

6:  From Ugly to Paradise
3:  Green Water "Bloom" 7:  Pond Pics
4:  Pond or Water Garden 8:  Daphnia, Amphipods, Hydra

On the pages above,  I have tried to answer some of the questions that might come up, and put a few pictures for ideas. Bookmark this page and visit often.  I will be placing more pics of better quality (and faster), and from a variety of Water Gardening styles. I am willing to set up a system for persons to obtain specific instructions on building and maintaining a very cost effective bio-mechanical filter. If you are interested, please respond, and if there are enough responses, I will pursue the matter. Thank you.

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Comments and suggestions are welcome

Comments: mawebb@hotmail.com

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Cool, and Very Nicely Done Pond Link

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