I Corinthians

Chapter 2
{From Verse 20 Where is the professional debater? Answered in 1-8}
1~~ And I, brethren, when I came to you,
came not according to the standard 
  of excellency of speech {not superior oratory technique} or
  of wisdom {not with superior rhetoric as a philosopher} . . .
declaring unto you the testimony of God.

{Note: This verse means no gimics, Paul just gave the gospel.}

2~~ For I did not decide to know any thing among you . . .
except Jesus Christ . . . and Him crucified.

3~~ And I was with you in weakness, and in fear,
and in much trembling.

4~~ Both my doctrine and my delivery
were not with persuasive words of wisdom,
but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power {Divine Dynasphere}.

5~~ That your faith should not be in the wisdom of men,
but in the power of God.

6~~ However, when among mature believers
we keep on teaching wisdom.
But a wisdom that does not belong to this Age,
nor to the leaders of this world . . .
who are fading out.

7~~ But we communicate wisdom from God in a mystery,
which has been concealed.
Which mystery doctrine that God pre-designed before the Ages . . . resulting in our {Church Age believers} glory.

{Note: All Church Age was a mystery to the Old Testament believers.}

8~~ Which doctrine none of the rulers of this world understood.
For if they had known
- but they did not {second class condition} -
they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory.

9~~ But, as it is written,
"Things which the eye has not seen
and the ear has not heard {perception by empiricism} . . .
and which have not entered the right lobe {heart} of man . . .
all that God has prepared for those who love Him."

10~~But to us, God has revealed them {His Plans} unto us
- to our advantage -
through the instrumentality of the {Holy} Spirit
for the {Human} Spirit investigates all things,
yes, the deep things of God.

{Note: After salvation, our success in God's plan means for us to apply our Faith to 'Faith in the Word' - the intake of Bible doctrine. Then God the Holy Spirit will make it real to us and we can grow. The final step is to then apply doctrine in the soul to life's experiences.}

11~~ For what 'man' understands 'the things of man' . . .
except by the 'spirit of man' which is in him?
Even so the things of God no man has known,
except the Spirit of God.

{Note: This refers to previous verse -all we know, we know because the Holy Spirit teaches the human spirit}.

{Note: The first sentance means all men are from the earth and understand the earthly things through experience. But there is a failure of this rationalism to understand spirituality - they have no frame of reference.}

12~~ Now we have not received
the spirit of the world {World's frame of reference}
but the {Human} spirit from the source of God,
that we might know the things
that are freely given to us by God {under the principal of grace}.

{Mechanics of studying and learning Bible doctrine}
13~~Which things {divine wisdom} also we speak {Paul's teaching},  not in categories taught by human wisdom,
but that taught by the Holy Spirit
explaining spiritual phenomena to spirit filled persons.

14~~The soul-ish man {unbeliever with only a soul}
does not accept the things of the Spirit of God
for they are foolishness to him
and he is not able to obtain knowledge of the gospel . . .
because they are discerned from the source of the Holy Spirit.

{Perceptive ability of the spirit filled person}
15~~ But he that is spiritual
discerns 'The all things' {the things of God - Doctrine} . . .
yet he himself is judged of no man {not legitimately criticized}.

{Conclusion - textbook of spiritual phenomena}
16~~ For, who has known the thinking of the Lord . . .
who may instruct Him {God}?
But we have the thinking of Christ {in the Bible}.