I Corinthians

Chapter 4
{Verses 1-6 Refer to the Pastor-teacher of the Local Church}
1~~ Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers from Christ,
and stewards of the mysteries of God.

{Note: Here is the technical use of the word minister and does mean the leader of a local church.}

{Note: A steward administers an estate. The responsibility of the minister is to study and faithfully teach the 'mysteries of God'.}

2~~ Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

3~~ But with me it is a very petty thing
that I should be judged of you
or of public opinion.
Yes, I judge not my own self.

{Note: Paul is refering to three mistakes a Pastor-teacher can make! To actually listen when being 'judged' by man or to judge himself:
  1- being judged by his congregation -on of the sins of the tongue,
  2- being judged by unbelievers,
  3- self judgement. A pastor can not judge his own ministry. Only in heaven will he know the results of his ministry.}

4~~ For I know nothing with regards to myself.
Yet not even in this am I justified.
But He that judges me is the Lord.

{Note: Paul says he would not even know HOW to evaluate his own ministry.}

5~~Therefore, judge nothing before the time {judgement day},
until the Lord comes -
Who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness
and will make known the thoughts of the frontal lobes.
And then shall every one have the praise of God.

6~~ And these things, brethren,
I have in a figure transferred to myself
  {Paul is saying he is taking a Principal of Doctrine and applying
  it to himself so it becomes personal}
and to Apollos - for your sakes -
that you might learn by us not to think
beyond that which is written
  {going beyond the standard of doctrine}
that no one of you be puffed up
one on behalf of the other.

{Note: Remember, they were comparing Paul with Apollos with Peter etc. and he commanded them not to do this. 'We are with Peter and HE is the best Apostle' type thing!}

{Universal ministry of the believer - 3 questions that deal with perspective}
7~~ Who makes you to differ from another? {only God}
And, what have you that you did not receive?
Now, if you did receive it - and you did receive it -
why do you boast, as if you had not received it?

{Note: An analogy to the Roman Coliseum follows. Spectators represent the believers setting in the stands and Paul and the other Apostles are the 'last Gladiators of the day' . . . who always had the worst duty - they fought to the death! This section is filled with Sanctified sarcasm.}

8~~ Now you are 'full'
  {means satiated- over eaten or over indulged in drink}.
Now you are rich
  {human success . . . and the prosperity has turned their heads}.
You have reigned as kings without us.
And, I 'would to God' {sarcasm - idiom meaning I wish it were true}
you did reign . . .
that we also might reign with you!

{Note: This is sarcasm. Paul is saying if only they WERE Kings on earth so he could also be a King with them!}

9~~ For I have concluded that The God has placed us . . .
the Apostles in the arena LAST
as it were - condemned to death.
For, we are under observation unto the world {unbelievers},
and to angels {angels watch us all},
and to men {carnal believers - in the stands as it were}.

{Note: In the coliseum, the last 'act' of the day was the most dramatic. Usually it was a fight to the death. So, Paul is using this in an analogy.}

{More Sarcasm}
10~~ WE {the Apostles} . . . fools for Christ's sake!
But YOU ALL . . . wise in Christ.
WE are weak. But YOU ALL are strong.
YOU ALL are honorable. But WE are despised.

{Sufferings of the Gladiators - believers in fellowship -
Verses 11-13 - designed for blessing and growth}
11~~ Even unto this present hour we
both hunger and thirst
and are poorly clad
and are beaten
and don't know where we will sleep from day to day
{idiom - literally: 'have no certain dwelling place'}.

12-13~~ And labor until exhausted - working with our own hands
{great energy spent in making a living - Paul also worked for a living}.
Being reviled . . . we bless.
Being persecuted . . . we suffer it. 13~~
Being defamed . . . we entreat.
We have become the filth {excrement} of the world,
and are the off scouring of all things unto this day.

{Note; How the Apostles responded indicates great orientation to the Grace of God. The Faith Rest Technique is described here.}

14~~ I write not these things to SHAME you.
But as my beloved sons, I warn you.

{Note: Shame is just an emotional reaction with no permanent results.}

{Pattern of the Universal Ministry of the Believer - Verses 15-21}
15~~ For if you have ten thousand 'Paidagogos' in Christ
- and you do -
yet have you not many fathers.
For in Christ Jesus I have begotten you
through the gospel {birth stage of the believer}.

{Note: A Paidagogos was a slave who took children to school and gave them attention. This is an analogy to the people/false teachers in Corinth trying to lead them astray with kind speech. The Paidogogos are nice and tell them they are great! But Paul tells them the truth as only a father would . . . even if it hurts. John also used 'Father' like this in I John 2:13.}

16~~ Wherefore I beseech you . . . become imitators of me.

{Note: This is the imitation of Paul in his learning and applying doctrine. Whereas, the carnal believer imitates the unbeliever.}

17~~ For this reason, I have sent unto you Timothy
- who is my beloved son/student and faithful in the Lord -
who shall cause you to remember my ways
which are in Christ
as I teach every where in every church.

{Hindrances to this pattern of growth verses 18-19}
18~~ Now some are puffed up {big egos},
as though I would not come to you.

19~~ But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord wills,
and {you} will know,
not the SPEECH of them which are puffed up, but the POWER.

{Note: Paul is saying the false teachers are talking a good fight but when he gets there lets see the power they have!}

20~~ For the kingdom of God is not in word
but in power {in the filling of the Holy Spirit}.

21~~Take your choice . . .
Shall I come unto you with a rod
  {discipline of a father to an errant son}?
Or, in love and the spirit of meekness
  {with an emphasis on Grace and harmony
  and no 'discipline' being necessary}?