



Realistic Art

The Triptych





The commissions are an important part of my work. Painting is a rather solitary occupation therefore the meeting with the principals and the models to be portrayed, is a welcome variation.

Painting for commission is something very different than painting with free inspiration. There are of course always wishes and expectations to be fulfilled. But it is always very pleasant to know where the painting ends up, and to know for whom it has been painted.

Annemarie Inge Kenaupark

 Annemarie, 70x80cm, 2001

Alt violin player with cat.

Inge, 30x40cm, 1998

After the painting of mostly young models, this was the first elderly woman.

My thanks to Inge from Austria.



Kenaupark, 80x100cm, 2002

This commission was made in the splendid house at the Kenaupark in Haarlem. This house was used as location in the movie 'Leef!' made by Maria Goos, which will be premiered this year.

All rights on text, images and lay-out reserved, ©Ellen de Groot.