



Realistic Art

The Triptych





I love to paint portaits and it is always a very rewarding experience to see a finished portrait after many hours of drawing, sketching, taking pictures, preliminary studies and painting. Part of my work is painting portraits for people who commission me to paint their portrait, and these paintings are in private collections. So I can only show you only a small selection.

petekind1 commission elena2

My niece and godchild Elena, her face is so vivid and uniquely interesting to paint, that for many years she will still be a model.

Godchild II, 30x 40cm, 2004


commission, 45x50cm 2002

Godchild I, 30x 40cm, 2004
josi nathalie1 nathalie2

Josi, 30x70cm, 2002 

Portrait of  Nathalie, a French model, who because of her “medieval”expression, has often been painted by me Nathalie, 30x40cm, 2002


Nathalie, 100x60cm, 2000

Nathalie in one of the most beautiful dresses.

All rights on text, images and lay-out reserved, ©Ellen de Groot.