Awards We Offer

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The following is a list of information you should read before applying for any of A Hero and 4 Angels Awards.

Awards this Site Offers
Criteria for Awards
Instructions for applying for an award
Applying for an Award

Little Angel Award - For A Daughter
Little Angel Award - For Son
Compassion Award
Dick's Hero Award
Dick and Debbie's Best of the Web Award (YOU CANNOT APPLY FOR THIS ONE)
J.P.'s Angelic Site Award
Matt's Fantastic Site Award
Shannon's Caring Heart Award
Shannon's Childrens Page Award
Donnie's Little Angel Award
Dick and Debbie's Forever Love Award
Guardian Angel Award
You've Touched My Heart Award(YOU CANNOT APPLY FOR THIS ONE)

Criteria for Awards

The Criteria for my awards are as follows:

1) Your web site must not have nudity, any
pornographic material or bad language on it.
They have awards for those kind of sites already.

2) Your site must be considered a safe site for
anyone to visit (including children) other words
the contents of your site should be suitable for
any web surfer of any age.

3) Your site MUST NOT have any hatred,
discrimination or be offensive to anyone.

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Instructions for applying for an award

I request the following to be included in your e-mail
when requesting an award
1) Your Site Name
2) Your Site URL and
3) Which award/s you are applying for.

Applying for an Award

(Click on Button to apply)
Click On Button To Apply For Award(Click on Button to apply)

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Award - For Your Daughter Little Angel Award
For A Daughter

If you have lost a daughter and have a page or site devoted to her, please apply for this award.

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Little Angel Award - For A Son

Little Angel Award For A Son

If you have lost a son and have a page or site devoted to him, please apply for this award.

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Compassion Award Compassion Award

If you have lost a loved one, relative, friend and have a page or site devoted to them, please apply for this award.

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Award Of  Bravery

Dick's Hero Award

If your site displays bravery and courage for overcoming any experience and have that on your site, please apply for this award.

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Best Site

Dick and Debbie's
"Best of the Web Award"

This award cannot be applied for but will be issued at the site owner's discretion.

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JP Angelic Site Award

J.P.'s Angelic Site Award

If you have lost a loved one, relative, friend or have a page on angels, please apply for this award.

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Matt's Fantastic Site Award

Matt's Fantastic Site Award

If you feel your site is fantastic, please apply for this award.

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Shannon's Caring  Award

Shannon's Caring Heart Award

If your site displays caring for others, please apply for this award.

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Shannon's Children's Page Award

Shannon's Childrens Page Award

If you have a child's page on your site, please apply for this award.

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Donnie's Little Angel Award

Donnie's Little Angel Award

If you have lost a child and have a page or stie devoted to them, please apply for this award.

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Love Forever Award

Dick and Debbie's Forever Love Award

If you have a page or site devoted to true love, please apply for this award.

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Guardian Angel Award

Guardian Angel Award

If you have a page or site devoted to protecting children, please apply for this award.

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Golden Heart Award

Golden Heart Award

You cannot apply for this award and it will be issued at the owner's discretion.

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Touch My Heart Award

You've Touched My Heart Award

You cannot apply for this award and it will be issued at the owner's discretion.

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Award of Excellence

Award of Excellence

You cannot apply for this award and it will be issued at the owner's discretion.

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