June, 2003

Dear Parents,

The warm weather is coming!  The children are anxiously awaiting the sunshine so they can run outside to release their excess energy.  Therefore, I am asking you to be extra careful from now until the end of the school year. 

In the parking lot, we will continue to put the chain across the area closest to the building during the lunch periods for the safety of our students.  This provides a safety zone for children to go back and forth between the playground and the building.  If you visit the school during this period of the day, please be vigilant. 

Again, I ask you not to park in the front of the building during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal.   The two cut outs are for buses only.  Your cooperation will help us to facilitate smooth and timely arrivals and dismissals.  It will also help to make these periods safer for everyone.  Also, please encourage your child to cross at the corner by the crossing guard.

The chain continues to be placed across the driveway.  It goes up at 3:20 and it is removed at 3:30.  This allows us to provide safe passage for our walkers.

Our new playground is going to be delivered the week of June 9th.  Construction will begin soon afterwards.  In September, we will return to Hewitt with a wonderful addition to our school.  A special thank you to the committee of parents and staff that made this creative and exciting playground a reality for all our children.  Finally, I’d like to thank the entire Hewitt community for your generosity throughout what must have seemed to be an endless stream of fundraisers.  You made the difference for every child who will now have the opportunity to play on the new equipment.

June brings us a flurry of activity.  Field Day, the Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony and the Awards Assembly are yet to come!  Our kindergarteners will visit first grade and have an opportunity to get a snapshot experience of what it will be like for them in September.  The school year  passed so quickly!  I can’t believe that I’m reminding you that the final day of school is Thursday, June 26.  Dismissal is at 10:00.

Then it’s off to the summer fun.  All of us at Hewitt wish you relaxation and enjoyment during the vacation.  We’ll look forward to seeing everyone rested and enthusiastic to learn in September. 

Before closing, I would like to thank you in for all your support and cooperation throughout this school year.  It has made a difference for children and staff alike.  Together, we will make Hewitt an even better place for children to learn and to grow.  This was one fabulous school year!


                                                          Yours truly,

                                                          Joanne Spencer


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