                     Annual Reunion Registration Form
                                                        Sponsored by the Huntsville High School Ex-Students Association

What:                  Reception:                                          5:30 -- 6:00 p.m.
                                  Dinner:                                               6:00 until 7:00 p.m.
                                  Announcements                                 7:00 p.m.
                                  Visiting and Dancing:                         7:30 -- 11:00 p.m.
                                  (BYOB -- setups available)

When:                         Saturday, July 18, 2009

Where:                        Walker County Fairgrounds Main Building, 4 miles west on Hwy 30

Who is invited?           All former students, friends and classes of Huntsville High School

Honoring:                     Members of classes with years ending with 4's or 9's

Advance registration is required by Saturday, July 11, 2009 to ensure adequate meals on hand.
Please preregister by Saturday, July 11, 2009 so we can get a good headcount for the caterer and table arrangements.   Please endorse you check to "HHSESA" and mail it and the form(s) to:  HHS Ex-Students Association, P.O. Box 8355, Huntsville, TX 77340-8355.


Name:______________________________________________________HHS Class:___________________

Mialing address:__________________________________________________________________________
                                              Street or POB                                    City                                        State                    ZIP

Phone (Home):_____________________(Work):_________________Email:__________________________

Name of spouse or guest(s):________________________________________________________________

Members:                                         $13.00 per person                             Amount:_________________

Non-Members:                                 $15.00 per person                             Amount:_________________
(Includes spouses & guests who are not members)
                                                                                            Total Check Amount:_________________

NOTE:  You may write one check for both annual reunion registration and membership renewal, but please include both forms with your check.

                                               Association Membership Form
                Please type or print legibly

                            Last                                 First                                          MI                                Maiden

                                     Last                                  First                                          MI                               Maiden

Years attended HHS:_____________________________Year graduated:_____________________________

Mailing address:__________________________________________________________________________
                                             Street or POB                                                           City                           State            ZIP

Email address:________________________________________Home phone:_________________________

Type of Membership Preferred

Super Hornet                                     $500.00 each membership                       Amount:_______________

Life Member                                      $200.00 each membership                       Amount:_______________

Regular Membership                          $20.00 per year each membership          Amount:_______________

Signature:_______________________________Date:__________________Total Amount:_______________

NOTE:    Make checks payable to "HHSESA" and mail to: HHS Ex-Students Association, P.O. Box 8355, Huntsville, TX 77340-8355.
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Key Ex-Hornets